Ho scritto un piccolo programma, circa 10.500 linee e tutto funziona perfettamente.
Si tratta di un gioco matematico, che ha il processo di accesso e registrazione e tutti i dati sono memorizzati sul computer dell'utente in più file di testo. Ha supporto per più utenti.
Ho scritto una funzione che consente all'utente di cercare un altro utente nel database e, se il nome utente non viene trovato, il programma tenta di trovare il nome utente nel file che assomiglia a quello immesso e fornisce suggerimenti.
Tuttavia, questa funzione sembra essere eseguita molto lentamente quando ci sono molti nomi utente nel file.
Come posso ottimizzarlo?
// Function to generate suggestions
void Suggestions (char passed[])
In the case that the administrator makes an error while searching for a user,
tghe program attempts to determine the username in the database which closest
matches the username that wa entered
// Vaiables
char sname[MAX], record[MAX];
int w, x, y, z;
char abs = 'N', f = 'N';
int len = 0, temp = 0;
// Sets them all to 0
w = x = y = z = 0
taken user[MAX];
// Attempts to open file
ptrRead = fopen("UserNames.smq", "r");
if(ptrRead == NULL)
printf("\n\nThe file was not found ...\n\n\n");
// Copies the incorrect username passed to the function
strcpy(sname, passed);
// Encrypts the passed name
for(x = 0; x < strlen(passed); x++)
sname[x] += key;
// Sets x to 0
x = 0;
// Reads all of file with the usernames
fgets(record, MAX - 1, ptrRead);
// Compares the strings
if(strcmp(record, sname) == 0)
// Sets found to yes
f = 'Y';
// Breaks our of loop
// End if
// End while
if(f == 'N')
// Rewinds the file pointer
// Reads the data of the file and calculate various contents
// Sets temp to 0
temp = 0;
// Gets the username
fgets(record, MAX - 1, ptrRead);
// Copes the information
strcpy(user[x].userName, record);
// Calculate the length
len = strlen(user[x].userName) - strlen(sname);
// Determines if the name is valid for testing
if(len == -2 || len == -1 || len == 0 || len == 1 || len == 2)
This if statement limits the number of work trhe program does by eliminating
the usernames with a difference in string length grater than 2 or less than - 2
// Counts the number of letters common in a sequence
for(w = 0; w < strlen(user[x].userName); w++)
It does not matter which string length the for-loops runs for because
when the average is calculated, the same result appears both ways
// Compares both letters
if(user[x].userName[w] == sname[w])
If both letters at the current index are the same, then temp will be
increased by the value 1. If not, then temo will not increase. This gets
the number of letter the two names have in common in a sequence.
// End if
/* End for */
// Calculates the average letters in common
user[x].lettersInCommom = (float) temp / ((strlen(user[x].userName) + strlen(sname)) / 2) * 100.0;
// Sets temp to 0
temp = 0;
// Calculates the number of letters the have in common
for(y = 0; y < strlen(sname); y++)
Runs the loop until the string length of the incorrect username - Just for fun
for(w = 0; w < strlen(user[x].userName) ; w++)
This for loop runs for the entire string lenght of the username in the file
// Compares the letters
if(user[x].userName[w] == sname[y])
Compares the characters at the current index. If they are the same,
then temp increase by 1. The purpose of these nested loops is to
check the number of letters the two name have in common in general,
and not just in a sequence.
temp++; // Increments temp
// Calculates the average letters in common in general
if(strlen(user[x].userName) > strlen(sname))
user[x].lettersInGeneral = (float) temp / (float) strlen(sname) * 100.0;
user[x].lettersInGeneral = (float) temp / (float) strlen(user[x].userName) * 100.0;
// Sets temp to 0
temp = 0;
// Checks if both names begins with the same letter
if(sname[0] == user[x].userName[0])
user[x].beginsWithFirst = 100.0; // Assign 100
user[x].beginsWithFirst = 0.0; // Assign 0
// Checks if the names ends with the same letter
if(sname[strlen(sname) - 1] == user[x].userName[strlen(user[x].userName) -1])
user[x].endsWithLast = 100.0; // Assign 100
user[x].endsWithLast = 0.0; // Assign 0
Calculates the rank. The rank is an overall percentage that represents the average similarity
that the username in the file has with the incorrect username entered. Similar usernames
normally have a rank of over 70%
user[x].rank = (user[x].lettersInCommom + user[x].lettersInGeneral + user[x].beginsWithFirst + user[x].endsWithLast) / 4.0;
// Increments x
// Closes the file
// Sets temp to 0
temp = 0;
for(z = 0; z < x; z++)
Runs until the number of usernames in the file is reached
if(user[z].rank > 70.00 && user[z].rank < 200.00)
// Increments temp by 1 if conditon is met
if(temp > 0)
temp = 0; // Resets temp
This is done to determine whether or not to print the contents in this if statement.
If no suggestion were found then printing "Did you mean" would be a waste of processing.
// Clears the screen
printf("\nLooks like you made an error in your search. ");
printf("Did you mean: \n\n");
// For all the usernames
for(z = 0; z < x; z++)
// Checks the rank
if(user[z].rank > 70.00 && user[z].rank < 200.00)
/* Increments temp */
for(w = 0; w < strlen(user[z].userName); w++)
// Decrypts the name
user[z].userName[w] -= key);
if(key > 2)
This removes a weird looking character that always shows at the end
of the username when the key is greater than 2.
user[z].userName[strlen(user[z].userName) - 1] = '// Function to generate suggestions
void Suggestions (char passed[])
In the case that the administrator makes an error while searching for a user,
tghe program attempts to determine the username in the database which closest
matches the username that wa entered
// Vaiables
char sname[MAX], record[MAX];
int w, x, y, z;
char abs = 'N', f = 'N';
int len = 0, temp = 0;
// Sets them all to 0
w = x = y = z = 0
taken user[MAX];
// Attempts to open file
ptrRead = fopen("UserNames.smq", "r");
if(ptrRead == NULL)
printf("\n\nThe file was not found ...\n\n\n");
// Copies the incorrect username passed to the function
strcpy(sname, passed);
// Encrypts the passed name
for(x = 0; x < strlen(passed); x++)
sname[x] += key;
// Sets x to 0
x = 0;
// Reads all of file with the usernames
fgets(record, MAX - 1, ptrRead);
// Compares the strings
if(strcmp(record, sname) == 0)
// Sets found to yes
f = 'Y';
// Breaks our of loop
// End if
// End while
if(f == 'N')
// Rewinds the file pointer
// Reads the data of the file and calculate various contents
// Sets temp to 0
temp = 0;
// Gets the username
fgets(record, MAX - 1, ptrRead);
// Copes the information
strcpy(user[x].userName, record);
// Calculate the length
len = strlen(user[x].userName) - strlen(sname);
// Determines if the name is valid for testing
if(len == -2 || len == -1 || len == 0 || len == 1 || len == 2)
This if statement limits the number of work trhe program does by eliminating
the usernames with a difference in string length grater than 2 or less than - 2
// Counts the number of letters common in a sequence
for(w = 0; w < strlen(user[x].userName); w++)
It does not matter which string length the for-loops runs for because
when the average is calculated, the same result appears both ways
// Compares both letters
if(user[x].userName[w] == sname[w])
If both letters at the current index are the same, then temp will be
increased by the value 1. If not, then temo will not increase. This gets
the number of letter the two names have in common in a sequence.
// End if
/* End for */
// Calculates the average letters in common
user[x].lettersInCommom = (float) temp / ((strlen(user[x].userName) + strlen(sname)) / 2) * 100.0;
// Sets temp to 0
temp = 0;
// Calculates the number of letters the have in common
for(y = 0; y < strlen(sname); y++)
Runs the loop until the string length of the incorrect username - Just for fun
for(w = 0; w < strlen(user[x].userName) ; w++)
This for loop runs for the entire string lenght of the username in the file
// Compares the letters
if(user[x].userName[w] == sname[y])
Compares the characters at the current index. If they are the same,
then temp increase by 1. The purpose of these nested loops is to
check the number of letters the two name have in common in general,
and not just in a sequence.
temp++; // Increments temp
// Calculates the average letters in common in general
if(strlen(user[x].userName) > strlen(sname))
user[x].lettersInGeneral = (float) temp / (float) strlen(sname) * 100.0;
user[x].lettersInGeneral = (float) temp / (float) strlen(user[x].userName) * 100.0;
// Sets temp to 0
temp = 0;
// Checks if both names begins with the same letter
if(sname[0] == user[x].userName[0])
user[x].beginsWithFirst = 100.0; // Assign 100
user[x].beginsWithFirst = 0.0; // Assign 0
// Checks if the names ends with the same letter
if(sname[strlen(sname) - 1] == user[x].userName[strlen(user[x].userName) -1])
user[x].endsWithLast = 100.0; // Assign 100
user[x].endsWithLast = 0.0; // Assign 0
Calculates the rank. The rank is an overall percentage that represents the average similarity
that the username in the file has with the incorrect username entered. Similar usernames
normally have a rank of over 70%
user[x].rank = (user[x].lettersInCommom + user[x].lettersInGeneral + user[x].beginsWithFirst + user[x].endsWithLast) / 4.0;
// Increments x
// Closes the file
// Sets temp to 0
temp = 0;
for(z = 0; z < x; z++)
Runs until the number of usernames in the file is reached
if(user[z].rank > 70.00 && user[z].rank < 200.00)
// Increments temp by 1 if conditon is met
if(temp > 0)
temp = 0; // Resets temp
This is done to determine whether or not to print the contents in this if statement.
If no suggestion were found then printing "Did you mean" would be a waste of processing.
// Clears the screen
printf("\nLooks like you made an error in your search. ");
printf("Did you mean: \n\n");
// For all the usernames
for(z = 0; z < x; z++)
// Checks the rank
if(user[z].rank > 70.00 && user[z].rank < 200.00)
/* Increments temp */
for(w = 0; w < strlen(user[z].userName); w++)
// Decrypts the name
user[z].userName[w] -= key);
if(key > 2)
This removes a weird looking character that always shows at the end
of the username when the key is greater than 2.
user[z].userName[strlen(user[z].userName) - 1] = '%pre%';
// Prints decrypted user name as is
printf("\n(%d)\t%s", temp, user[z].userName);
// Allows the admin to search again
// Prints error
printf("\n\nWe were unable to detect any possible matches ...");
// Function ends here
// Prints decrypted user name as is
printf("\n(%d)\t%s", temp, user[z].userName);
// Allows the admin to search again
// Prints error
printf("\n\nWe were unable to detect any possible matches ...");
// Function ends here