Voglio condividere il codice di un progetto di ricerca, per scopi accademici, in Bitbucket e in FileExchange di Matlab.
Il codice è in Matlab e Mathematica e voglio limitarne l'uso a fini commerciali. Non so se posso usare Affero GPL per questo, poiché sia Matlab che Mathematica sono software commerciali.
Questa è la risposta più diretta dai termini di GPLv3 che ho trovato :
If a programming language interpreter has a license that is incompatible with the GPL, can I run GPL-covered programs on it? (#InterpreterIncompat)
When the interpreter just interprets a language, the answer is yes. The interpreted program, to the interpreter, is just data; the GPL doesn't restrict what tools you process the program with.
However, when the interpreter is extended to provide “bindings” to other facilities (often, but not necessarily, libraries), the interpreted program is effectively linked to the facilities it uses through these bindings. The JNI or Java Native Interface is an example of such a facility; libraries that are accessed in this way are linked dynamically with the Java programs that call them.
So if these facilities are released under a GPL-incompatible license, the situation is like linking in any other way with a GPL-incompatible library. Which implies that:
If you are writing code and releasing it under the GPL, you can state an explicit exception giving permission to link it with those GPL-incompatible facilities.
If you wrote and released the program under the GPL, and you designed it specifically to work with those facilities, people can take that as an implicit exception permitting them to link it with those facilities. But if that is what you intend, it is better to say so explicitly.
You can't take someone else's GPL-covered code and use it that way, or add such exceptions to it. Only the copyright holders of that code can add the exception...
Quale licenza è compatibile con questi requisiti in Matlab / Mathematica?
- Consentire l'uso accademico
- Richiedere l'attribuzione per uso accademico
- Limitazione dell'uso commerciale (l'output del programma - immagini elaborate - non dovrebbe essere venduto)