Ho un metodo di analisi dello stream in C # che legge porzioni di un frame del protocollo dal protocollo STOMP; la specifica non è la parte importante per la domanda però. Ciò che è importante è che ho scritto il codice in uno stile imperativo , poiché è ciò che so.
Qualcuno può dare alcuni esempi di elaborazione in modo funzionale? (Psuedo-code, o qualsiasi lingua costituirà una risposta accettabile)
/// <summary>
/// Reads a STOMP command string asynchronyously.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cancellationToken"></param>
/// <returns>CommandString if read; otherwise null</returns>
public async Task<string> ReadStompCommand(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
string commandString = null;
//Create a new buffer, maximum possible allowed bytes in the line is 13
var commandBuffer = new byte[13];
//EOL is the line ending as defined in the spec of STOMP 1.2
//EOL can either be CRLF or LF alone
var eolIndex = -1;
var bytesRead = 0;
//while we haven't maxed out our buffer and we haven't found an EOL sequence
while (bytesRead < commandBuffer.Length && eolIndex == -1)
//move forward in the buffer
var offset = bytesRead;
//Reading 1 byte at a time for now, may change in a future implementation
const int length = 1;
var bytesFound = 0;
bytesFound += await Stream.ReadAsync(commandBuffer, offset, length, cancellationToken);
//check for EOL in the bytes we read. (1 iteration since length is const of 1)
for (var i = offset; i < offset + bytesFound; i++)
if (commandBuffer[i] == 0x0a)
eolIndex = i;
bytesRead += bytesFound;
//if we have a potentially meaningful line (STOMPs shortest command is 3 characters)
if (eolIndex > 2)
//If last byte before LF was CR, move the EOL start index back one
if (commandBuffer[eolIndex - 1] == 0x0d)
//Convert bytes to string in UTF-8 from beginning to start of EOL
commandString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(commandBuffer, 0, eolIndex);
return commandString;