Ho sentito parlare dello stile di Londra rispetto allo stile di Chicago (a volte chiamato stile Detroit) di Test Driven Development (TDD).
Workshop di Utah Extreme Programming User's Group:
Interaction-style TDD is also called mockist-style, or London-style after London's Extreme Tuesday club where it became popular. It is usually contrasted with Detroit-style or classic TDD which is more state-based.
The workshop covers both the Chicago school of TDD (state-based behaviour testing and triangulation), and the London school, which focuses more on interaction testing, mocking and end-to-end TDD, with particular emphasis on Responsibility-Driven Design and the Tell, Don't Ask approach to OO recently re-popularized by Steve Freeman's and Nat Pryce's excellent Growing Object-Oriented Software Guided By Tests book.
Il post TDD classico o "Scuola di Londra"? di Jason Gorman è stato utile, ma i suoi esempi mi hanno confuso, perché usa due esempi diversi invece di un esempio con entrambi gli approcci. Quali sono le differenze? Quando usi ogni stile?