La regola empirica che stai descrivendo sembra estremamente simile alla regola empirica di Brooks, come presentato in The Mythical Man- mese :
For some years I have been successfully using the following
rule of thumb for scheduling a software task:
1/3 planning
1/6 coding
1/4 component test and early system test
1/4 system test, all components in hand.
This differs from conventional scheduling in several important ways:
- The fraction devoted to planning is larger than normal. Even so, it is barely enough to produce a detailed and solid specification, and not enough to include research or exploration of totally new techniques.
- The half of the schedule devoted to debugging of completed code is much larger than normal.
- The part that is easy to estimate, i.e., coding, is given only one-sixth of the schedule.
Non so da dove viene esattamente la tua regola empirica, ma sicuramente sembra una derivata della regola empirica di Brooks.