Sto cercando di capire un esercizio, ma in realtà non ha molto senso. Non sto chiedendo a qualcuno di fornire la soluzione. solo per provare e analizzare ciò che deve essere fatto per risolverlo. Sto cercando di capire quale processo PSP 1.0 1.1 dovrei usare. SONDA? O qualcos'altro? Apprezzerei molto l'aiuto su questo da qualcuno che ha esperienza con la Metodologia dei processi del software personale.
Ecco la domanda.
For the reference case (“code1.c”), the following s/w metrics are provided:
- man-hours spent in implementation phase (per-module): 2,7 mh/file
- man-hours spent in testing phase (per-module): 4,3 mh/file
- estimated number of bugs remaining (per-module): 0,3 errors/function, 4 errors/module (remaining)
Based on the corresponding values provided for the reference case, each of the following tasks focus on some s/w metrics to be estimated for the test case (“code2.c”): [25 marks]
- (estimated) man-hours required in implementation phase (per-module) [8 marks]
- (estimated) man-hours required in testing phase (per-module) [8 marks]
- (estimated) number of bugs remaining at the end of testing phase (per-module) [9 marks]
Tasks 4 through 6 should use the data provided for the reference case within the context of Personal Software Process level-1 (PSP-1), using them as a single-point historic data log. Specifically, the same s/w metrics are to be estimated for the test case (“code2.c”), using PSP as the basic estimation model.
In order to perform the above listed tasks, students are advised to consider all phases of the PSP software development process, especially at levels PSP0 and PSP1. Both cases are to be treated as separate case-studies in the context of classic s/w development.