Nelle pagine 136 e 137 in The Clean Coder , Robert C. Martin descrive come i chip possono essere distribuiti in modo indipendente grazie a un vtable:
The solution was pretty simple. Each chip had to be decoupled from all the others. Each had to be turned into an independent compilation unit that could be burned independently of all the others.
So I measured the sizes of all the functions in the application and wrote a simple program that fit them, like a jigsaw puzzle, into each of the chips, leaving 100 bytes of space or so for expansion. At the beginning of each chip I put a table of pointers to all the functions on that chip. At boot-up these pointers were moved into RAM. All the code in the system was changed so that functions were called only through these RAM vectors and never directly.
Yes, you got it. The chips were objects, with vtables. All functions were polymorphically deployed. And, yes, this is how I learned some of the principles of OOD, long before I knew what an object was.
Conosco i tre tipi di polimorfismo , ma cos'è la distribuzione polimorfica?