Posso usare aac in un'app commerciale gratuitamente?


Mi chiedevo se posso usare gratuitamente il codec aac nella mia app commerciale (tramite lgpl ffmpeg). Dice sul wiki:

No licenses or payments are required to be able to stream or distribute content in AAC format.[36] This reason alone makes AAC a much more attractive format to distribute content than MP3, particularly for streaming content (such as Internet radio). However, a patent license is required for all manufacturers or developers of AAC codecs.> For this reason free and open source software implementations such as FFmpeg and FAAC may be distributed in source form only, in order to avoid patent infringement. (See below under Products that support AAC, Software.)

Ma il programma xSplit ha dovuto annullare la CAA per i membri gratuiti perché devono pagare i diritti d'autore a persona. È vero (che devi pagare per ogni persona che usa aac)? Se devi pagare, a quale azienda paghi e come si applica?

posta Jason123 24.11.2012 - 04:06

2 risposte


Vai a questa pagina e ti metteranno a posto:

AAC Frequently Asked Questions

Who must sign a license?
What products are covered by the license?
What technologies are covered under the AAC patent licensing program?
Are there use fees for AAC?
What is the term of the AAC license?
I am already a licensee of MPEG-4 AAC and HE AAC. How can I take the AAC license?
Besides the license fees, are there any other costs involved?
What is "PC Enabling Software" as presented in the AAC license Fee Schedule?
Who are the licensors participating in the AAC Licensing Program?
How can I obtain a sample license for review?
What do I need to do in order to execute the agreement and obtain a license?
What are the reporting requirements of the AAC Program?
What is meant by a "reset" in the fee schedule?
What is the definition of a "professional" product?
Is there a difference between license fees for multi-channel products and stereo products?
How are products categorized as either stereo products or multi-channel products?
Is there a trial period available for licensed products?
What do I get after signing the AAC patent License Agreement?
Where can I get code or other "know-how" for AAC?


Queste risposte alle domande più frequenti vengono fornite per spiegare il programma di licenza. I termini e le condizioni che disciplinano la licenza sono forniti nel contratto di licenza.

risposta data 24.11.2012 - 06:15

Le app Android come la radio TuneIn utilizzano il decodificatore FFMPEG e non posso credere che una tale app popolare stia pagando una quota di licenza per download per questo. Prendo atto che l'app iPlayer Radio della BBC piuttosto elegante usa HLS per consegnare l'audio direttamente al lettore multimediale. Questo è come dovrebbe essere fatto.

risposta data 26.07.2013 - 19:35

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