Apple Inc. chiama i "protocolli" delle interfacce. Quando dicono "orientato al protocollo", intendono la programmazione utilizzando le interfacce anziché l'ereditarietà.
Da qui: link
Objective-C allows you to define protocols, which declare the methods
expected to be used for a particular situation. Protocols are
implemented in the classes conforming to the protocol.
Da Objective-C succintamente:
In Objective-C, a protocol is a group of methods that can be
implemented by any class. Protocols are essentially the same as
interfaces in C#, and they both have similar goals. They can be used
as a pseudo-data type, which is useful for making sure that a
dynamically-typed object can respond to a certain set of messages.
And, because any class can “adopt” a protocol, they can be used to
represent a shared API between completely unrelated classes.
Da Objective-C per i principianti assoluti:
Apple defines a protocol simply as a list of methods declarations,
unattached to a class definition. The methods listed for protocols are
suppose to be implemented by you.
Quindi, la programmazione orientata al protocollo è ciò che i programmatori Objective-C e Swift chiamano ciò che il resto di noi chiama favorire l'implementazione delle interfacce sull'estensione delle classi (ereditarietà).
Is it a new programming paradigm that has the potential to be as
revolutionary as structured programming and abolish the dangerous
"goto" of OOP?
No. Non è niente di nuovo, solo un nome diverso utilizzato nella comunità degli sviluppatori Apple. La composizione sull'ereditarietà ha enormi vantaggi sebbene siano stati ampiamente discussi in questo forum.
And since nothing is ever a silver bullet, what are the pitfalls of
All'inizio non mi è venuto in mente, ma l'ho appena trovato in un forum in CodeRanch, post dell'utente Jim Yingst:
One disadvantage of interfaces is that one you publish them to other
coders outside your own control, they represent a public commitment
which can be difficult to change later. You don't know who else is
using the interface and you don't know how, so you can't just add a
new method to the interface without risking breaking the code of
existing clients (if/when they upgrade). In comparison, if you'd used
an abstract or concrete class, you could just add a new concrete
method with no problems (usually).
It's possible to work around this by creating a new interface with
extends or supplements the original one, and changing your concrete
implementations to implement the new interface, instead of or in
addition to the old one. That way you don't break existing client
code. It's generally more work than adding a method to a class would
be, but it's possible.
This disadvantage isn't a reason to abandon interfaces, but it is a
reason to design your interfaces carefully, and think carefully before
you publish a new interface in a new release. Spending some extra time
designing things well now can save you many headaches later.