(se solo come punto di partenza, verso una soluzione migliore)
quindi, ecco un ingenuo, backtracking di forza bruta (in ECMAScript 5) a cui stavo pensando, che dovrebbe sempre trovare una soluzione se ce n'è una, insieme alla traccia di essa.
Questo potrebbe certamente essere adattato, allo stesso modo, per esplorare e restituire tutte le possibili soluzioni (se più di una), insieme alle loro tracce:
function fulfilled(solution, requirements, attended, relaxer, index) {
function newRequirement(original, isRelaxed) {
if (isRelaxed) {
var i = original.courses.indexOf(relaxer),
// Exclude the relaxer course from
// the courses of a relaxed requirement
newCourses = original.courses.slice(0, i).
concat(original.courses.slice(i + 1)),
// Decrement the weight of a relaxed requirement
newWeight = original.weight - 1;
return {
id: original.id,
weight: newWeight,
courses: newCourses
else {
return original;
function someUnfulfilled() {
// True if any unfulfilled requirement,
// false otherwise
return requirements.find(function(requirement) {
return requirement.weight > 0;
}) != null;
// Are we trying to relax some requirement
// by a given (relaxer) course, or are we
// merely at the bottom of the call stack?
if (typeof index !== "undefined") {
// ... yes, we are relaxing a requirement; so make
// a new requirement list differing only by it,
// at index, relaxed by the relaxer course
var relaxed = requirements[index];
requirements = requirements.map(function(requirement) {
return newRequirement(requirement, requirement.id === relaxed.id);
// Is there any unfulfilled requirement?
if (someUnfulfilled()) {
// Is there any more courses being attended?
if (attended.length > 0) {
// Current course, head of the attended courses:
var course = attended[0];
for (var i = 0; i < requirements.length; i++) {
var candidate;
// Try to relax only the unfulfilled requirements:
if ((candidate = requirements[i]).weight > 0) {
// Remaining courses, after the current one:
var remaining = attended.slice(1);
// Can the current course contribute to the solution
// by relaxing the candidate (i-th) requirement?
if (
(candidate.courses.indexOf(course) >= 0) &&
(fulfilled(solution, requirements, remaining, course, i))
) {
// Yes, it could; so, record its contribution,
// and backtrack with a success signal
solution.push({ course: course, requirement: candidate.id });
return true;
} else {
// (Keep iterating through the requirements)
} else {
// (Ignore the already fulfilled requirements)
// The current course cannot relax any requirement,
// and also contribute to the solution by doing so;
// so, backtrack with a failure signal
return false;
} else {
// Not enough of attended courses to fulfill the requirements;
// so, backtrack with a failure signal
return false;
} else {
// All the requirements have been fulfilled by now,
// so, backtrack with a success signal
return true;
per es.,
(come nell'esempio della tua domanda)
var allRequirements =
{ id: "R1", weight: 2, courses: [ 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D' ] },
{ id: "R2", weight: 1, courses: [ 'A', 'B' ] }
aSolution = [ ],
input = [ 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D' ];
fulfilled(aSolution, allRequirements, input)
aSolution === [
"course": "A",
"requirement": "R1"
"course": "B",
"requirement": "R2"
"course": "C",
"requirement": "R1"
allRequirements =
{ id: "R1", weight: 3, courses: [ 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D' ] },
{ id: "R2", weight: 2, courses: [ 'A', 'B', 'E' ] }
aSolution = [ ];
input = [ 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E' ];
fulfilled(aSolution, allRequirements, input)
aSolution === [
"course": "A",
"requirement": "R1"
"course": "B",
"requirement": "R2"
"course": "C",
"requirement": "R1"
"course": "D",
"requirement": "R1"
"course": "E",
"requirement": "R2"