Che cos'è una directory in Kali Linux? [chiuso]


Ho visto molti video che sono video introduttivi di Kali Linux e tutti parlano di directory come se fosse di buon senso, senza spiegare quale sia la sua funzione principale o perché dovremmo cambiare directory e quali sono le principali differenze tra un directory e un altro.

posta Abdelhameed Emad 01.05.2017 - 23:13

1 risposta


probabilmente perché directory (anche note come cartelle):

In computing, a directory is a file system cataloging structure which contains references to other computer files, and possibly other directories. On many computers, directories are known as folders, or drawers1 to provide some relevancy to a workbench or the traditional office file cabinet.

Files are organized by storing related files in the same directory. In a hierarchical filesystem (that is, one in which files and directories are organized in a manner that resembles a tree), a directory contained inside another directory is called a subdirectory. The terms parent and child are often used to describe the relationship between a subdirectory and the directory in which it is cataloged, the latter being the parent. The top-most directory in such a filesystem, which does not have a parent of its own, is called the root directory.

sono infatti conoscenza comune ... e non sono specifici per Kali in alcun modo forma o forma.

risposta data 01.05.2017 - 23:21

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