Sfruttare la vulnerabilità di collisione della tabella hash [chiusa]


Esiste un exploit (codice PoC) per la vulnerabilità (collisione tabella hash) per python?

2011-003 multiple implementations denial-of-service via hash algorithm collision


A variety of programming languages suffer from a denial-of-service (DoS) condition against storage functions of key/value pairs in hash data structures, the condition can be leveraged by exploiting predictable collisions in the underlying hashing algorithms.

The issue finds particular exposure in web server applications and/or frameworks. In particular, the lack of sufficient limits for the number of parameters in POST requests in conjunction with the predictable collision properties in the hashing functions of the underlying languages can render web applications vulnerable to the DoS condition. The attacker, using specially crafted HTTP requests, can lead to a 100% of CPU usage which can last up to several hours depending on the targeted application and server performance, the amplification effect is considerable and requires little bandwidth and time on the attacker side.

The condition for predictable collisions in the hashing functions has been reported for the following language implementations: Java, JRuby, PHP, Python, Rubinius, Ruby. In the case of the Ruby language, the 1.9.x branch is not affected by the predictable collision condition since this version includes a randomization of the hashing function.

The vulnerability outlined in this advisory is practically identical to the one reported in 2003 and described in the paper Denial of Service via Algorithmic Complexity Attacks which affected the Perl language.

The reporters own advisory can be found at [mods: link no longer works]

posta Smit Johnth 29.11.2016 - 02:42

1 risposta


Utilizzando il link che hai fornito , puoi ottenere gli algoritmi necessari per scrivere da soli :

Ora la presentazione non fornisce codice PoC in Python, ma ti dà la matematica per risolverlo.

Se stai cercando il codice, però, ho cercato "advisory28122011.pdf" (il link non funzionante nella descrizione CVE) e Google ha restituito un" meet-in-the-middle " PoC , scritto in Python (per ottenere le collisioni dell'hash, devi eseguire un attacco" meet-in-the-middle ", secondo il documento originale).

Google restituisce anche "Il manuale degli hacker del browser" in cui è presente il codice Java PoC a pagina 488, un Metasploit modulo preconfigurato per PHP e Java, che dovrebbe essere abbastanza semplice da eseguire il porting su Python.

risposta data 30.11.2016 - 23:18

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