Perché RIPEMD160 non è più disponibile in VeraCrypt? [chiuso]


Qualche settimana trovata? Perché ho aggiornato il mio VC alla nuova versione 1.21 e non lo è. Qualche dettaglio a riguardo?

posta Robertus M 15.12.2017 - 08:07

1 risposta


Letteralmente il primo risultato su google - link

RIPEMD-160 was indeed deprecated for creating non-system volumes starting from version 1.0f released on December 30th, 2014 but it is still possible to mount volumes using RIPEMD-160

RIPEMD-160 is an old algorithm that has been deprecated by all major security solutions in favor of more modern algorithms. And although there is no publicly known attack against it, its aging design coupled with new advances in attacks techniques make it risky to continue relying on it.

That being said, RIPEMD-160 is still available for system encryption since it is the only alternative available to SHA-256, and you can still For non-system encryption, Whirlpool is a strong alternative to the SHA-2 family for those seeking a non US designed algorithm.

Hopefully in the near future, new secure hash algorithms like SHA-3, Skein or BLAKE will be included to offer more alternatives.

Mounir Idrassi è l'autore di VeraCrypt. Ecco il commit in cui è stato deprecato per Linux / MacOSX.


risposta data 15.12.2017 - 09:58

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