Shellshock exploit [duplicato]


Voglio sapere su "Shellshock bug" e quindi vorrei porre alcune domande:

  1. Questo bug è ancora una minaccia reale oggi (nel 2016)?
  2. Che danno può essere fatto usando questo exploit?
  3. Quanti sistemi potrebbero esserne interessati?
  4. Come funziona esattamente l'attacco? Con ciò intendo, come un utente malintenzionato potrebbe ottenere l'accesso a bash per usare i comandi malvagi?

Grazie, in anticipo.

posta user103913 09.03.2016 - 20:00

1 risposta


Innanzitutto, Shellshock è una famiglia di vulnerabilità non solo una ( CVE-2014-6271. CVE-2014-6277, CVE-2014-6278, CVE-2014-7169, CVE-2014-7186, e CVE-2014-718 )

-it influenza i sistemi Unix e Unix. Da Semantica

The vulnerability affects Bash, a common component known as a shell that appears in many versions of Linux and Unix. Bash acts as a command language interpreter. In other words, it allows the user to type commands into a simple text-based window, which the operating system will then run.

Bash can also be used to run commands passed to it by applications and it is this feature that the vulnerability affects

1) se stai utilizzando la versione vulnerabile di bash (componente del sistema operativo che prende i comandi da te e passa al kernel e restituisce l'output) Allora sì, sei vulnerabile

2) potrebbe consentire a un utente malintenzionato di ottenere il controllo su un computer mirato se sfruttato con successo.


Shellshock could potentially compromise millions of unpatched servers and other systems. Accordingly, it has been compared to the Heartbleed bug in its severity

The Shellshock problem is an example of an arbitrary code execution (ACE) vulnerability. Typically, ACE vulnerability attacks are executed on programs that are running, and require a highly sophisticated understanding of the internals of code execution, memory layout, and assembly language—in short, this type of attack requires an expert. Attacker will also use an ACE vulnerability to upload or run a program that gives them a simple way of controlling the targeted machine. This is often achieved by running a "shell". A shell is a command-line where commands can be entered and executed.


The vulnerability lies in the fact that an attacker can tack-on malicious code to the environment variable, which will run once the variable is received.

Più letti: link




risposta data 09.03.2016 - 21:02

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