recupero dati su un iphone dopo un lungo periodo di tempo


L'iPhone utilizza nand flash, ovvero ci sono settori in cui possono essere presenti dati cancellati in precedenza. C'è qualche cambiamento nel corso degli anni in quei settori che potrebbero rendere i dati irrecuperabili?

posta badaboo 07.11.2016 - 10:50

1 risposta


C'è un po 'scritto sulla conservazione dei dati flash NAND qui :

When a NAND flash device is new from the factory, it can retain data in an unpowered state (at specific temperature conditions) for many years. However, data retention specs are not given for a new device. It is very important to note that published specifications for data retention describe the behavior of the device only at the end of its prescribed service life.

The JEDEC specification for data retention tells us that for enterprise storage devices, data retention at the end of the service life shall be at least three months (stored at 40°C). For SSDs in the client computing market, data retention shall be at least one year after the drive’s service life (assuming it’s stored at 30°C). At the SSD level, this service life is specified in total bytes written, or TBW. For client SSDs, TBW ratings range from tens to hundreds of terabytes (1012 bytes), whereas for enterprise drives, TBW ratings are in the petabyte range (1015 bytes) and higher.

risposta data 07.11.2016 - 11:34

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