In base a questo articolo = > link Gmail non memorizza la chiave di crittografia. Ma Gmail legge tutta la posta degli utenti per pubblicità o per altri scopi come il governo! (Basato sulla divulgazione di Mr.Snowden)
The idea of “end-to-end encryption” — you could also refer to it as “local encryption and decryption” — is different. With end-to-end encryption, the data is decrypted only at the end points. In other words, an email sent with end-to-end encryption would be encrypted at the source, unreadable to service providers like Gmail in transit, and then decrypted at its endpoint. Crucially, the email would only be decrypted for the end user on their computer and would remain in encrypted, unreadable form to an email service like Gmail, which wouldn’t have the keys available to decrypt it. This is much more difficult.
Gmail o gli altri servizi di posta elettronica stanno facendo questo? ( Archiviazione di dati crittografati nel database senza memorizzare la chiave privata )