proxy intermedio che intercetta i miei dati SSL tra il mio computer e l'ISP


Ho fatto una semplice scansione del mio firewall linux oggi usando lo shieldsup di sul loro sito web ( link ). In precedenza, quando eseguivo questa operazione, mostrai di avere la stealth completa, ma oggi ha mostrato questo messaggio.

Your Connection to Our Web Server is Probably 'Proxied'

What's a 'Proxy' ?

A 'Proxy' is an intermediate computer that 'intercepts' a request made for an Internet resource, then reissues that request on behalf of the intercepted computer.

For example — as happened here just now — your computer's web browser requested a resource (this page) from the web site. But your browser's request was intercepted by a 'transparent' intermediate proxying computer — probably belonging to your Internet service provider. That proxying computer, in turn, forwarded the request to's web server.

Our security testing technology detected that this was happening and responded to the proxy with this special 'intercept' page so that the proxy would, in turn, return it to your web browser.

Because none of this is usually very important for normal web surfing, such proxies are termed 'transparent'. But the problem is that they are not transparent enough to allow reliable security testing. Since we were connected to the proxy, rather than to your computer, we are unable to accurately analyze the security of your computer's connection to the Internet. (We could tell you all about the proxy's security, but that's a subject for another page.)

Internet service providers often use proxies to improve the subjective performance of their network for their customers. By locally storing copies of often-requested web resources (like all the various bits and pieces of Amazon's web site) web pages assemble much more quickly. Most people are never aware of their existence.

The ShieldsUP! system incorporates technology designed to circumvent many common web browser proxies so that most of our visitors never encounter this special interception page. This built-in circumvention technology is one of several reasons why ShieldsUP!'s tests are often more accurate than other web-based online security tests.

However, in this case, it appears that our automatic proxy circumvention system has failed to determine your machine's true IP address, so the results of further tests would not be trustworthy.

The worrisome header contained in your request is:


The presence of this header is indicative of an intermediate proxy, as discussed above. We are unable to bypass this proxy, since even your browser's secure SSL connections are being intercepted. If you are able to disable your browser's use of this proxy we'll be able to check your system, but until then we are unable to proceed.

  • Ho inviato un'e-mail al mio ISP chiedendo di spiegarlo come se fossi stato pedinato e violato prima. Mi stavo chiedendo se questo è un altro tentativo di hacking come sospetto o se c'è un'altra spiegazione. Questo non mi è mai successo prima in tutti gli anni in cui sono stato collaudatore della mia configurazione.

  • Mi sto collegando al mio ISP tramite una connessione satellitare (Australian NBN). Potrebbe il segnale satellitare essere intercettato o c'è un altro tipo di uomo nel mezzo dell'attacco in corso? Ogni volta che aggiorno la pagina l'indirizzo IP cambia (quello di questo esempio è del DoD, altri possono provenire da qualsiasi parte del mondo), tuttavia se vado a link quindi mostra sempre lo stesso indirizzo IP che risolve il problema al mio ISP.

posta sean 12.02.2016 - 11:38

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