Tutti i campi della directory dei certificati PE sono stati cancellati durante la firma dell'autenticode?


In un file eseguibile portatile di Windows (PE) la directory dei certificati punta a un offset a WIN_CERTIFICATE . La mia comprensione è che mentre il campo è denominato bCertificate , in realtà contiene una matrice di certificati in formato ASN.1 per supportare più firme.

Dopo aver estratto i dati di bCertificate da un numero di eseguibili Microsoft firmati, posso vedere che i dati all'interno sono una struttura SEQUENCE ASN.1 contenente uno o più oggetti con OID 1.2.840.113549.1.7.2, corrispondente a PKCS # 7 signedData. Non è chiaro per me se questa struttura sia essa stessa hash (è un PKCS # 7 signedData struttura un certificato?) Come parte di authenticode, o anche se più certificati sono codificati come strutture ASN.1 sequenziali senza sequenza genitore ASN.1 (es. certificati ASN.1 concatenati) o come elementi ASN.1 all'interno di un elemento SEQUENCE padre.

Il processo documentato per produrre l'hash di autenticità parla di saltare alcuni campi PE: il checksum, la directory RVA / dimensione del certificato e la stessa voce del certificato. Mi è chiaro che il certificato in sé non ha bisogno di essere parte dell'hash, poiché la sua autenticità è già controllata tramite CA / firma intermedia. Tuttavia non mi è chiaro se l'esclusione includa una struttura di wrapping, se ne esiste una (vedi paragrafo precedente).

Qualcuno può chiarirlo? La struttura di dati firmata PKCS # 7 è considerata un certificato nel contesto dell'hash di autenticazione? L'array di certificati è semplicemente una concatenazione di certificati codificati ASN.1 o l'array è facilitato da una sequenza ASN.1 padre? Se è il secondo, la parte di definizione della sequenza ASN.1 (tipo + dimensione) dell'hash del authenticode?

posta Polynomial 12.12.2018 - 11:40

1 risposta


Penso che la maggior parte se non tutte le tue domande possano essere risolte dal documento di firma eseguibile portatile di Windows Authenticode di Microsoft:   link

I dati appaiono decisamente più chiari nel documento, ma ho incluso le parti che ritengo siano pertinenti alle tue domande.

The Authenticode signature in a PE file is in a PKCS #7 SignedData structure. The signature asserts that: • The file originates from a specific software publisher. • The file has not been altered since it was signed.

The signature itself does not convey any information about the intent or quality of the software. However, signatures that are associated with programs such as the Windows Logo Program—that sign software only if it passes certain tests—can convey quality information. A PKCS #7 SignedData structure contains the PE file's hash value, a signature created by the software publisher’s private key, and the X.509 v3 certificates that bind the software publisher’s signing key to a legal entity. A PKCS #7 SignedData structure can optionally contain: • A description of the software publisher. • The software publisher's URL. • An Authenticode timestamp. The timestamp is generated by a timestamping authority (TSA) and asserts that a publisher’s signature existed before the specified time. The timestamp extends the lifetime of the signature when a signing certificate expires or is later revoked.

Authenticode signatures can be “embedded” in a Windows PE file, in a location specified by the Certificate Table entry in Optional Header Data Directories. When Authenticode is used to sign a Windows PE file, the algorithm that calculates the file's Authenticode hash value excludes certain PE fields. When embedding the signature in the file, the signing process can modify these fields without affecting the file's hash value. Figure 1 provides a simplified overview of how an Authenticode signature is included in a Windows PE file. It includes the location of the embedded Authenticode signature and specifies which PE fields are excluded when calculating the PE file's hash value. For details about the PE file structure, see ”Microsoft Portable Executable and Common Object File Format Specification” (PE/COFF specification). For details on the PKCS #7 portion of the Authenticode signature see the Abstract Syntax Notation version 1 (ASN.1) structure definitions later in this paper. For details on how the Authenticode PE hash value is calculated, see “Calculating the PE Image Hash” later in this paper.

AuthenticodeProfileofPKCS#7SignedDataThisprofiledescribeswhichPKCS#7structuresandvaluesareusedintheAuthenticodesignature.FormoredetailsonthePKCS#7standard,see”PKCS#7:CryptographicMessageSyntaxStandard.”SignedDataThePKCS#7v1.5specificationdefinesthefollowingASN.1structureforSignedData:SignedData::=SEQUENCE{versionVersion,digestAlgorithmsDigestAlgorithmIdentifiers,contentInfoContentInfo,certificates[0]IMPLICITExtendedCertificatesAndCertificatesOPTIONAL,Crls1 IMPLICIT CertificateRevocationLists OPTIONAL, signerInfos SignerInfos }

DigestAlgorithmIdentifiers ::= SET OF DigestAlgorithmIdentifier

ContentInfo ::= SEQUENCE { contentType ContentType, content [0] EXPLICIT ANY DEFINED BY contentType OPTIONAL }


SignerInfos ::= SET OF SignerInfo

The Authenticode profile of SignedData assigns the following values: version This field must be set to 1. digestAlgorithms This field contains the object identifiers (OIDs) of the digest algorithms that are used to sign the contents of the ContentInfo type, as defined by ”PKCS #7: Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard.” Because Authenticode signatures support only one signer, digestAlgorithms must contain only one digestAlgorithmIdentifier structure and the structure must match the value set in the SignerInfo structure's digestAlgorithm field. If not, the signature has been tampered with. contentInfo This field contains two fields: • contentType must be set to SPC_INDIRECT_DATA_OBJID ( • content must be set to an SpcIndirectDataContent structure, which is described later. certificates This field contains a set of certificates. For Authenticode signatures, certificates contains the signer certificate and any intermediate certificates, but typically does not contain the root certificate. If the Authenticode signature is timestamped, certificates contains certificates that are used to verify the timestamp, which may include the root certificate. Authenticode certificate processing rules are described in “Authenticode Signature Verification” later in this paper. Note: This paper specifies only the signature format of PE files that are signed with X.509 v3 certificates. For more information on processing X.509 v3 certificate chains, see ”Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Profile.” crls This field is not used. signerInfos This field contains a set of SignerInfo structures, which contains information about the signatures. Because Authenticode supports only one signer, only one SignerInfo structure is in signerInfos. For details, see ”SignerInfo” later in this paper. SignerInfo For Authenticode signatures, SignerInfos contains one SignerInfo structure. The PKCS #7 v1.5 specification defines the following ASN.1 structure for SignerInfo: SignerInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
version Version, issuerAndSerialNumber IssuerAndSerialNumber,
digestAlgorithm DigestAlgorithmIdentifier, authenticatedAttributes [0] IMPLICIT Attributes OPTIONAL, digestEncryptionAlgorithm DigestEncryptionAlgorithmIdentifier, encryptedDigest EncryptedDigest, unauthenticatedAttributes 1 IMPLICIT Attributes OPTIONAL } IssuerAndSerialNumber ::= SEQUENCE { issuer Name, serialNumber CertificateSerialNumber } EncryptedDigest ::= OCTET STRING

The Authenticode profile for SignerInfo assigns the following values: version This field must be set to 1. issuerAndSerialNumber This field contains an issuerAndSerialNumber structure, which contains the issuer name and serial number of the signing certificate, as defined by ”PKCS

7: Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard.” digestAlgorithm This field contains the OID of the digest algorithm that is used to sign the

contents of ContentInfo, as defined by ”PKCS #7: Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard.” The digestAlgorithm value in the parent SignedData structure must match the digestAlgorithm value assigned in signerInfo. Algorithms supported by Authenticode include: • SHA1 ( • MD5 (1.2.840.113549.2.5) This algorithm is supported only for backwards-compatibility requirements and should not be used to sign new content. authenticatedAttributes This field contains a set of signed attributes. The following attributes are always present: • contentType (1.2.840.113549.1.9.3) This attribute contains a messageDigest OID (1.2.840.113549.1.9.4) as defined in ”PKCS #9: Selected Attribute Types.” • messageDigest (1.2.840.113549.1.9.4) This attribute contains an octet string with a hash value that is calculated as defined in ”PKCS #7: Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard.” The follow signed attribute is always present in an Authenticode signature: • SPC_SP_OPUS_INFO_OBJID ( This attribute contains an SpcSpOpusInfo structure. For details, see ”Authenticode-Specific Structures” later in this paper. digestEncryptionAlgorithm This field contains an OID that specifies the signature algorithm. Supported algorithms include: • RSA (1.2.840.113549.1.1.1) • DSA (1.2.840.10040.4.1) encryptedDigest This field contains the signature created by the signing certificate's private key, calculated as defined by the PKCS #7 specification. unauthenticatedAttributes If present, this field contains an Attributes object that in turn contains a set of Attribute objects. In Authenticode, this set contains only one Attribute object, which contains an Authenticode timestamp. The Authenticode timestamp is described in ”Authenticode-Specific Structures” later in this paper. Authenticode-Specific Structures This part of the paper describes the Authenticode-specific structures in an Authenticode signature’s PKCS

7 SignedData structure. Authenticode-Specific Structures in ContentInfo An Authenticode signature's ContentInfo structure contains

several structures that in turn contain the file's hash value, page hash values (if present), the file description, and various optional or legacy ASN.1 fields. The root structure is SpcIndirectDataContent. SpcIndirectDataContent The following is the ASN.1 definition of SpcIndirectDataContent: SpcIndirectDataContent ::= SEQUENCE { data SpcAttributeTypeAndOptionalValue, messageDigest DigestInfo } --#public—

SpcAttributeTypeAndOptionalValue ::= SEQUENCE { type ObjectID, value [0] EXPLICIT ANY OPTIONAL }

DigestInfo ::= SEQUENCE { digestAlgorithm AlgorithmIdentifier, digest OCTETSTRING }

AlgorithmIdentifier ::= SEQUENCE { algorithm ObjectID, parameters [0] EXPLICIT ANY OPTIONAL }

The SpcIndirectDataContent structure has two members: data This field is set to an SpcAttributeTypeAndOptionalValue structure. messageDigest This field is set to a DigestInfo structure. These structures are defined later. The SpcAttributeTypeAndOptionalValue structure has two fields, which are set as follows for an Authenticode-signed PE file: type This field is set to SPC_PE_IMAGE_DATAOBJ OID ( value This field is set to an SpcPeImageData structure, which is defined later. The DigestInfo structure has two fields: digestAlgorithm This field specifies the digest algorithm that is used to hash the file. The value must match the digestAlgorithm value specified in SignerInfo and the parent PKCS #7 digestAlgorithms fields. digest This field is set to the message digest value of the file. For details, see “Calculating the PE Image Hash” later in the paper. SpcPeImageData The following is the ASN.1 definition of SpcPeImageData: SpcPeImageData ::= SEQUENCE { flags
SpcPeImageFlags DEFAULT { includeResources }, file
SpcLink } --#public--

SpcPeImageFlags ::= BIT STRING { includeResources (0), includeDebugInfo (1), includeImportAddressTable (2) }

SpcLink ::= CHOICE { url [0] IMPLICIT IA5STRING, moniker 1 IMPLICIT SpcSerializedObject, file [2] EXPLICIT SpcString } --#public--

SpcString ::= CHOICE { unicode [0] IMPLICIT BMPSTRING, ascii 1 IMPLICIT IA5STRING }

The SpcPeImageData structure has two fields: flags This field specifies which portions of the Windows PE file are hashed. It is a 2-bit value that is set to one of the SpcPeImageData flags. Although flags is always present, it is ignored when calculating the file hash for both signing and verification purposes. file This field is always set to an SPCLink structure, even though the ASN.1 definitions designate file as optional. SPCLink originally contained information that describes the software publisher, but it now has the following choices: url [0] This choice is not supported, but it does not affect signature verification if present. moniker 1 This choice is set to an SpcSerializedObject structure, which is described later. file [2] This is the default choice. It is set to an SpcString structure, which contains a Unicode string set to “<<>>”. Warning to Implementers: There is an optional instance of SpcString in the SignerInfo structure that, if present, contains an ASCII string set to the publisher's URL. Do not confuse these instances of SPCString. SpcSerializedObject The following is the ASN.1 definition of SpcSerializedObject: SpcSerializedObject ::= SEQUENCE { classId SpcUuid, serializedData OCTETSTRING }


SpcUuid The SpcUuid field is set to the following 10-byte octet string (a globally unique identifier—GUID) if SpcSerializedObject is present: a6 b5 86 d5 b4 a1 24 66 ae 05 a2 17 da 8e 60 d6

serializedData The serializedData field contains a binary structure. When present in an Authenticode signature generated in Windows Vista, serializedData contains a binary structure that contains page hashes. However, the definition of this binary structure is outside the scope of this paper. Authenticode-Specific SignerInfo UnauthenticatedAttributes Structures The following Authenticode-specific data structures are present in SignerInfo authenticated attributes. SpcSpOpusInfo SpcSpOpusInfo is identified by SPC_SP_OPUS_INFO_OBJID ( and is defined as follows: SpcSpOpusInfo ::= SEQUENCE { programName [0] EXPLICIT SpcString OPTIONAL, moreInfo 1 EXPLICIT SpcLink OPTIONAL, } --#public--

SpcSpOpusInfo has two fields: programName This field contains the program description: • If publisher chooses not to specify a description, the SpcString structure contains a zero-length program name. • If the publisher chooses to specify a description, the SpcString structure contains a Unicode string. moreInfo This field is set to an SPCLink structure that contains a URL for a Web site with more information about the signer. The URL is an ASCII string. Authenticode-Specific SignerInfo UnsignedAttrs Structures The following Authenticode-specific data structures are present in SignerInfo unsigned attributes. Authenticode Timestamp The Authenticode timestamp is a PKCS #9 v1 countersignature located in the software publisher's SignerInfo unauthenticatedAttributes. The timestamp is generated by a TSA and signs both the hash value of the SignerInfo structure's encryptedDigest field and the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) time at which the timestamp was generated. The timestamp asserts that the signature existed before the UTC time specified by the timestamp. The timestamp certificate chain—including the root certificate—is added to the PKCS #7 SignedData certificates structure, although the root certificate is not required. The following is the timestamp attribute's OID type: szOID_RSA_counterSign 1.2.840.113549.1.9.6

The timestamp attribute content contains a PKCS #9 countersignature. The values in the countersignature are set by the TSA in accordance with ”PKCS #9: Selected Attribute Types.” The ASN.1 definition of SignerInfo that the countersignature uses is the same as that discussed in ”SignerInfo” earlier in this paper. The Authenticode timestamp SignerInfo structure contains the following authenticatedAttributes values: • ContentType (1.2.840.113549.1.9.3) is set to PKCS #7 Data (1.2.840.113549.1.7.1). • Signing Time (1.2.840.113549.1.9.5) is set to the UTC time of timestamp generation time. • Message Digest (1.2.840.113549.1.9.4) is set to the hash value of the SignerInfo structure's encryptedDigest value. The hash algorithm that is used to calculate the hash value is the same as that specified in the SignerInfo structure’s digestAlgorithm value of the timestamp.

Authenticode Signature Verification The most common Authenticode verification policy is implemented by the Win32® WinVerifyTrust function with pgActionID set to WINTRUST_ACTION_GENERIC_VERIFY_V2. This section describes how Authenticode signatures are verified against this policy. Note: This portion of the paper refers to many PE structures described in the PE/COFF specification. You will find it helpful to have that document available for reference. Extracting and Verifying PKCS #7 The Authenticode signature is in a location that is specified by the Certificates Table entry in Optional Header Data Directories and the associated Attribute Certificate Table. Note: “Attribute Certificate” as used by the PE/COFF specification does not refer to X.509 attribute certificates, as used in a PKI context. This is an unfortunate name collision. The Authenticode signature is in a WIN_CERTIFICATE structure, which is declared in Wintrust.h as follows: typedef struct _WIN_CERTIFICATE { DWORD dwLength; WORD wRevision; WORD wCertificateType;

The fields in WIN_CERTIFICATE are set to the following values: • dwLength is set to the length of bCertificate. • wRevision is set to the WIN_CERTIFICATE version number. Value Name Notes 0x0100 WIN_CERT_REVISION_1_0 Version 1 is the legacy version of WIN_CERTIFICATE. It is supported only for verifying legacy Authenticode signatures. 0x0200 WIN_CERT_REVISION_2_0 Version 2 is the current version of WIN_CERTIFICATE.

• wCertificateType is set to 0x0002 for Authenticode signatures. This value is defined in Wintrust.h as WIN_CERT_TYPE_PKCS_SIGNED_DATA. • bCertificate is set to a variable-length binary array that contains the Authenticode PKCS #7 signedData. The PKCS #7 integrity is verified as described in ”PKCS #7: Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard.”

risposta data 12.12.2018 - 18:51