Abuso dell'autorizzazione alla scrittura su Apache registra dir per aumentare i privilegi


Ho appena trovato questa frase nella documentazione dei file di log di apache :

Anyone who can write to the directory where Apache is writing a log file can almost certainly gain access to the uid that the server is started as, which is normally root. Do NOT give people write access to the directory the logs are stored in without being aware of the consequences; see the security tips document for details.

Come può qualcuno abusare di questo come escalation di privilegi?

posta DaniloNC 13.09.2013 - 20:18

1 risposta


Direttamente dai documenti , "consulta il documento di sicurezza per i dettagli"

If the logs directory is writeable (by a non-root user), someone could replace a log file with a symlink to some other system file, and then root might overwrite that file with arbitrary data. If the log files themselves are writeable (by a non-root user), then someone may be able to overwrite the log itself with bogus data.

risposta data 13.09.2013 - 20:27

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