TAIL o FREEPTO è meglio rimanere anonimi in rete? [chiuso]


Quale è il più sicuro per la sicurezza e l'anonimato in Internet?

Ho sentito che TAILS è migliore perché è stato usato da Snowden, ma in realtà non conosco FREEPTO.

posta Javi B 03.06.2015 - 21:29

1 risposta


The main difference in between Tails and Freepto, is that Tails routes everything through Tor, you have no way to disable this. Freepto does not anonymise your computer IP unless you choose to do that.

The projects have different targets, Freepto’s goal is to allow for a highly portable operating system and switch people from proprietary software into open source. The privacy tools that Freepto includes are there because activists need them to communicate safely, as an extra, not as the reason for the operating system. Tails reason to exist on the other hand, is to provide anonymity.

If what you want is a portable easy to use OS with discretionary high calibre privacy tools, use Freepto, if you are paranoid about privacy and want everything to be anonymous, then use Tails.


The operating system is fully encrypted with LUKS, you will be asked for a password before it boots, ...


risposta data 04.06.2015 - 06:07

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