In base a Il falso della richiesta tra siti è:
a method of attacking a Web site in which an intruder masquerades as a legitimate and trusted user. An XSRF attack can be used to modify firewall settings, post unauthorized data on a forum or conduct fraudulent financial transactions. A compromised user may never know that such an attack has occurred. If the user does find out about an attack, it may only be after the damage has been done and a remedy may be impossible.
Un esempio di bug di falsa richiesta tra siti all'interno di Android O.S
App Name
Wireless File Transfer Pro Android - CSRF Vulnerabilities
Vulnerability Details
Multiple cross site request forgery issues has been discovered in the Wireless File Transfer Pro 1.0.1 android mobile web-application. The mobile web-application is vulnerable to a combination of cross site request forgery and local command injection attacks.
Security Risk
The security risk of the cross site request forgery web vulnerability in the create and delete function is estimated as medium. (CVSS 2.3)
References (Source)
La mia domanda
Ciò che rende vulnerabile un'applicazione Android per la falsificazione delle richieste tra siti, come se ne avessi visto e compreso l'utilizzo quando usato contro i normali siti web. Non capisco quali sono i fattori che rendono il codice dell'applicazione Android vulnerabile agli attacchi Errore di registrazione tra siti)