GRC Shields Up test: le porte stealth sono buone?


Ho usato il test ShieldsUp di Steve Gibson sul link .

Tutti i test delle porte di servizio dicono che tutto è verde (furtività), aspettandone uno blu (chiuso).
Ho provato più volte e una volta, mi ha dato 2 blu, resto verde. Il blu sembra cambiare posizione / porta.

GRC Port Authority Report created on UTC: 2017-01-09 at 12:30:20
Results from scan of ports: 0-1055

0 Ports Open

1 Ports Closed

1055 Ports Stealth

1056 Ports Tested

NO PORTS were found to be OPEN.
The port found to be CLOSED was: 135
Other than what is listed above, all ports are STEALTH.
TruStealth: FAILED - NOT all tested ports were STEALTH,
- NO unsolicited packets were received,
- NO Ping reply (ICMP Echo) was received.

**Solicited TCP Packets: RECEIVED (FAILED) — As detailed in the port report below, one or more of your system's ports actively responded to our deliberate attempts to establish a connection. It is generally possible to increase your system's security by hiding it from the probes of potentially hostile hackers. Please see the details presented by the specific port links below, as well as the various resources on this site, and in our extremely helpful and active user community.**

Unsolicited Packets: PASSED — No Internet packets of any sort were received from your system as a side-effect of our attempts to elicit some response from any of the ports listed above. Some questionable personal security systems expose their users by attempting to "counter-probe the prober", thus revealing themselves. But your system remained wisely silent. (Except for the fact that not all of its ports are completely stealthed as shown below.)

Ping Echo: PASSED — Your system ignored and refused to reply to repeated Pings (ICMP Echo Requests) from our server.*

È bello che io abbia avuto così tanta furtività?

Ma per quanto riguarda i pacchetti TCP non è riuscito?

posta Jackdocmon 09.01.2017 - 13:36

1 risposta


Questo è spiegato nella sua pagina Definizioni stato porta Internet :

A "Stealth" port is one that completely ignores and simply "drops" any incoming packets without telling the sender whether the port is "Open" or "Closed" for business. When all of your system's ports are stealth (and assuming that your personal firewall security system doesn't make the mistake of "counter-probing" the prober), your system will be completely opaque and invisible to the random scans which continually sweep through the Internet.

Even if this machine had previously been scanned and logged by a would-be intruder, a methodical return to this IP address will lead any attacker to believe that your machine is turned off, disconnected, or no longer exists. You couldn't ask for anything better. Your personal firewall or NAT router protected system is acting like a black hole for TCP/IP packets. That's very cool.

Quindi sì, la furtività è buona. È meglio che chiuso perché le porte chiuse dicono a un attaccante C'è qualcosa qui . Specialmente con i porti noti, sanno cosa è il software in esecuzione dietro quelle porte e potrebbero provare ad attaccarlo (ad esempio, provando se bussare alla porta è supportato).

La porta 135 chiusa è buona; tutte le porte invisibili sarebbero migliori (che 'dice': Non c'è niente qui ).

Per quanto riguarda la domanda sugli altri porti che non sono di nascosto, non possiamo dire molto di più dal momento che non menzionate quali porte sono e cosa le tiene aperte. Sarebbe per te indagare ed è una domanda diversa.
Ci sono molte domande su questo sito sulle porte aperte (leggi prima quelle)

risposta data 09.01.2017 - 13:45

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