Differenza tra socks5 e socks4 proxy?


So cosa è il proxy dei socks e come si differenzia dal proxy http. Voglio sapere qual è la principale differenza tra socks5 e socks4 proxy.

posta Prabesh Thapa 23.08.2016 - 13:40

1 risposta


Da wikipedia :

The SOCKS5 protocol is defined in RFC 1928. It is an extension of the SOCKS4 protocol; it offers more choices for authentication and adds support for IPv6 and UDP, the latter of which can be used for DNS lookups.

E rispetto al semplice SOCKS4 ha anche la funzione principale di SOCKS4a :

SOCKS4a extends the SOCKS4 protocol to allow a client to specify a destination domain name rather than an IP address; this is useful when the client itself cannot resolve the destination host's domain name to an IP address.

risposta data 23.08.2016 - 13:46

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