Quali sono i requisiti per diventare un servizio proxy o privacy WHOIS (non un registrar)?


Questa domanda è stata messa in attesa come off-topic da Webmasters, quindi spero che sia giusto chiedere qui.

Ho letto i costi (esorbitanti) di diventare, mantenere e gestire un registrar, ma non riesco a trovare alcuna informazione utile sulla natura delle società terze che offrono servizi di privacy o proxy, come sono configurazione e funzione.

Quando faccio clic sul link del proxy web su link , viene inoltrato a una pagina che descrive i proxy come in alternativa a VPN , non c'è una menzione di WHOIS.

Che cosa serve per diventare un fornitore di un whois proxy o di un servizio di privacy - finanziariamente, legalmente e quale hardware è richiesto? Sono stato un web designer per 15 anni, ma in realtà conosco pochissimo di networking e infrastruttura. Se questo non è il SE corretto per chiedere questo, per favore fatemelo sapere. Grazie in anticipo.

posta Moscarda 29.03.2016 - 10:42

1 risposta


L'ICANN dice:

There are two general types of these services:

  • A Privacy Service lists alternative, reliable contact information, like an address or phone number, in WHOIS while keeping the domain name registered to its beneficial user as the registrant.
  • A Proxy Service registers the domain name itself and licenses use of the domain name to its customer. The contact information of the service provider is displayed rather than the customer’s contact information. The Proxy Service provider maintains all rights as a registrant (such as to manage, renew, transfer and delete the domain name), and assumes all responsibility for the domain name and its manner of use.

Così come:

Proxy and privacy services are among the least developed of the WHOIS policy areas. Until the adoption of the 2013 RAA, there were few ICANN rules or policies applicable to these types of services, which at times resulted in unpredictable outcomes for stakeholders affected by these services. The 2013 RAA includes an Interim Specification that describes a minimum set of requirements for privacy and proxy services offered by a Registrar or its affiliates. These requirements were adopted on a temporary basis (expiring on 1/1/2017), to allow for the GNSO to recommend appropriate policies to apply to the provision of these services. In conjunction with these policy development activities, ICANN is committed to establishing an accreditation program for privacy and proxy service providers to establish a contractual framework for enforcing these new rules and policies on a consistent basis, across all commercial providers of these services. For information on how to participate in these policy development activities applicable to privacy and proxy services, please visit the Get Involved section of the site.

risposta data 29.03.2016 - 10:51

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