comando Meterpreter stacca


In una sessione meterpreter reverse_https quando utilizzo il comando di scollega, chiude la mia sessione corrente e ne crea un'altra, qual è lo scopo di questo?

posta pedro santos 25.09.2016 - 17:16

1 risposta


Il payload continuerà a provare a connettersi fino a quando non viene colpito SessionExpirationTimeout . L'impostazione predefinita è una settimana.

Dettagli qui .

The payload has a hard-coded expiration date stamped into it during the initial staging process. By default, this is one week from the current date (relative to the target). This prevents a forgotten session from connecting back indefinitely. You can control this setting through the SessionExpirationTimeout advanced option.

To avoid shutting down the payload but still exit the temporary session, use the detach command from the Meterpreter prompt

Setting [SessionExpirationTimeout] option to 0 and detaching the session will instruct the payload to keep reaching out until the SessionCommunicationTimeout is hit or the process is killed.

risposta data 26.09.2016 - 15:48

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