Sì, penso che tu stia andando nella giusta direzione in un Dale Carnegie in un certo senso. Se vuoi veramente ottenere qualcosa di realizzato (test unitario, standard di codifica, ecc.), Spesso l'approccio migliore è quello di permettere loro di creare le tue idee da soli. Se hai svolto la ricerca e raggiungi una conclusione ragionevole, è probabile che i tuoi colleghi raggiungano la stessa conclusione se ricevono una piccola guida.
Let the other person feel that the idea is his or hers.
In general, people have more faith in
ideas that they discover themselves
than those that are handed to them on
a silver platter.
No one likes to be sold something or
told to do a thing. We much prefer to
feel that we are buying of our own
accord or acting on our own ideas. We
like to be consulted about our wishes,
our wants, our thoughts.
Ask others what or where they feel the
problem is. Discuss each point and ask
them their opinions on which is the
best way to proceed. A few, low-key
suggestions, given at the proper
intervals, will influence them. Let
them develop your plan or ideas
Ask questions in a friendly way,
showing a cooperative spirit, noting
areas where the other person is right.
This will warm them up and melt any
tension between you. Add in a
carefully put remark here or there to
give birth in the other person of a
new opinion or idea. Be careful not to
let them think that you are making an
issue of something.
Lao-tse, a Chinese sage twenty-five
centuries ago said: "The reason why
rivers and seas receive the homage of
a hundred mountain streams is that
they keep below them. Thus they are
able to reign over all the mountain
streams. So the sage, wishing to be
above men, puts himself below them;
wishing to before them, he puts
himself behind them. Thus, though his
place is above men, they do not feel
his weight; though his place is before
them, they do not count it an injury.
-Dale Carnegie