Come funziona lo sfruttamento di shutdown di Michael (TKIP)?


Come funziona esattamente Michael shutdown exploitation (TKIP) ?


So che annulla tutto il traffico continuamente, ma come?

posta loopOfNegligence 02.05.2017 - 15:31

1 risposta


In base alla pagina GitHub di MDK3 , utilizza un "exploit QoS TKIP".

Questa è la nota dal codice:

can shut down APs using TKIP encryption and QoS Extension with 1 sniffed and 2 injected QoS Data Packets.

Osservando l'exploit specifico, ti imbatterai in questo documento (uno dei tanti) che spiega esso:

TKIP was introduced in 2003, and amongst other enhancements, included a new per packet hashing algorithm, the Message Integrity Check (MIC). MIC is based on a weak algorithm, designed to be accommodated on legacy WEP hardware. TKIP uses MIC for guaranteeing the integrity of an encrypted frame. If more than two MIC failures are observed in a 60 second window, both the Access Point (AP) and client station shut down for 60 seconds.

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risposta data 02.05.2017 - 16:12

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