Qualcuno può spiegare la differenza tra "dovuta cura" e "due diligence"? Sembrano molto simili tra loro e dopo aver ricercato sempre di più, mi sto confondendo.
Un libro tecnologico lo ha descritto così:
Due care is using reasonable care to protect the interests of an organization. Due diligence is practicing the activities that maintain the due care effort. For example, due care is developing a formalized security structure containing a security policy, standards, baselines, guidelines, and procedures. Due diligence is the continued application of this security structure onto the IT infrastructure of an organization. Operational security is the ongoing maintenance of continued due
Eppure, altre risorse online lo hanno descritto in questo modo:
Due diligence is performing reasonable examination and research before committing to a course of action. Basically, "look before you leap." In law, you would perform due diligence by researching the terms of a contract before signing it. The opposite of due diligence might be "haphazard" or "not doing your homework."
Due care is performing the ongoing maintenance necessary to keep something in proper working order, or to abide by what is commonly expected in a situation. This is especially important if the due care situation exists because of a contract, regulation, or law. The opposite of due care is "negligence."
e ancora un'altra persona online lo ha definito come:
Due Diligence: Performing the necessary research
Due Care: Performing the actions identified as necessary from due diligence
Queste definizioni sembrano tutte leggermente diverse l'una dall'altra. Aiuto?