cosa significa "Rank" in msfvenom?


Nell'output della schermata di seguito da msfvenom quando si elencano tutti gli encoder supportati con -l encoders ; che cosa significa " Rank " esattamente?

posta AK_ 10.03.2017 - 19:53

1 risposta


Il grado si rifà al potenziale impatto sul bersaglio ed è definito dall'autore del modulo. Nel caso degli encoder viene trasferito dal sistema di classificazione utilizzato sugli exploit.

MSFVenom ha sostituito le utility MSFpayload e MSFencofe ora deprecate. Tuttavia, le graduatorie di rango non sono cambiate tra le versioni.

Nell'ottava edizione del 2011 di Guida a Metasploit The Penetration Tester il paragrafo seguente descrive come il sistema di classificazione si applica agli encoder;

"... the x86/shikata_ga_nai encoder, the only encoder with the rank of Excellent, a measure of reliability and stability of a module. In the context of an encoder, an Excellent ranking implies that it is one of the most versatile encoders and can accommodate a greater degree of fine tuning than other encoders."

I ranghi sono descritti come segue quando si riferiscono a exploit:

Every exploit module has been assigned a rank based on its potential impact to the target system. Users can search, categorize, and prioritize exploits based on rankings.

Ranking Description

ExcellentRanking The exploit will never crash the service. This is the case for SQL Injection, CMD execution, RFI, LFI, etc. No typical memory corruption exploits should be given this ranking unless there are extraordinary circumstances (WMF Escape()).

GreatRanking The exploit has a default target AND either auto-detects the appropriate target or uses an application-specific return address AFTER a version check.

GoodRanking The exploit has a default target and it is the "common case" for this type of software (English, Windows 7 for a desktop app, 2012 for server, etc).

NormalRanking The exploit is otherwise reliable, but depends on a specific version and can't (or doesn't) reliably autodetect. AverageRanking The exploit is generally unreliable or difficult to exploit.

LowRanking The exploit is nearly impossible to exploit (or under 50% success rate) for common platforms.

ManualRanking The exploit is unstable or difficult to exploit and is basically a DoS. This ranking is also used when the module has no use unless specifically configured by the user


risposta data 10.03.2017 - 19:57

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