Portachiavi con supporto hardware per iOS e Android


Sto facendo ricerche su portachiavi supportati da hardware per iOS e Android, al fine di archiviare alcuni certificati nell'hardware piuttosto che nel software. Secondo i documenti di Android ( link ) le versioni Android 4.3 e successive supportano il portachiavi supportato da hardware, ma con limitazioni sui dispositivi. Suppongo che richieda una sorta di SoC con ARM Trustzone (o equivalente equivalente intel x86). Esiste un elenco di tali dispositivi e / o SoC?

Nel mondo iOS, Apple sembra offrire tecnologia enclave sicura ( link ) che è un coprocessore. Le chiavi e i certificati possono essere memorizzati in questa enclave sicura dagli sviluppatori di app?


posta user1118764 22.08.2016 - 04:26

1 risposta


No, l'enclave è solo per i processi di crittografia iOS.

It turns out this was the perfect convergence for the synergy needed to allow Apple to move forward with TouchID. Apple has customized a highly optimized version of TrustZone and created what is now known Secure Enclave. Of course Apple will likely never release the details of what they do in the custom hardware for number of reasons. Thus I will speak directly of TrustZone and extrapolate to Secure Enclave.


Apple has wisely restricted very, very limited access to Touch ID and does not have any APIs available for developers. In fact Apple has removed the iCloud Keychain from the most recent developer build of iOS 7. I can only publicly say this has a lot of reasons that will be very clear in the next few months. The technology is now limited to just two use cases, device unlock and iTunes and App Store purchases. Of course this was not the limited intent of this technology and there will be full developer API access at some point, perhaps not in some areas that Apple will limit as they want to be the sole provider in those areas.


Ulteriori informazioni a riguardo possono essere trovate qui: iOS e qui: Android .

risposta data 22.08.2016 - 05:33

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