Qualcuno può dare una definizione chiara di un attacco al salame? Nel libro Security in Computing (4th Edition) di Charles P. Pfleeger.
Si afferma come un attacco all'integrità dei dati e cito il passaggio:
Integrità dei dati
Stealing, buying, finding, or hearing data requires no computer sophistication, whereas modifying or fabricating new data requires some understanding of the technology by which the data are transmitted or stored, as well as the format in which the data are maintained. Thus, a higher level
The most common sources of this kind of problem are malicious programs, errant file system utilities, and flawed communication facilities.Data are especially vulnerable to modification. Small and skillfully done modifications may not be detected in ordinary ways. For instance, we saw in our truncated interest example that a criminal can perform what is known as a salami attack: The crook shaves a little from many accounts and puts these shavings together to form a valuable result, like the meat scraps joined in a salami.
Qualcuno può darmi una definizione migliore di What is a Salami Attack? E quali sono i metodi per prevenirlo?