Questo articolo ha alcuni consigli legali per i proprietari di hotspot Wi-Fi.
Spiega che una schermata iniziale è uno strumento utile per consentire agli utenti di accettare esplicitamente i termini e le condizioni per l'utilizzo dell'hotspot e quindi ridurre la potenziale responsabilità:
Consult your attorneys before setting up a Wi-Fi Hotspot at your business location. The following are some steps a business owner can consider in setting up a Wi-Fi HotSpot to reduce potential liability:
(b) The Wi-Fi HotSpot access point can contain a use agreement and disclaimer (sometimes called a “splash page”) that requires the user to click through an agreement before enabling access;
(c) The use agreement and disclaimer can disclose appropriate terms and conditions of use, which prohibit and do not authorize, for example, illegal activity, copyright violations, pornographic or corrupt content, spam, solicitations, advertising, or use of the service by unsupervised minors.