Perché gli ATM hanno una plastica verde davanti al lettore di carte?


Per me questo sembra sospetto, sembra facile nascondere qui un dispositivo di schiumatura.

Una fessura a livello frontale sarebbe più sicura, secondo me.

posta Lenne 02.08.2018 - 21:16

1 risposta


There has been a constant rise in ATM frauds and scams most specifically ATM skimming effecting consumers secured transactions. In order to combat ATM skimming ATM machine manufacturers are manufacturing ATM with anti skimming technologies which appear as a green casing that protrudes from the card insertion slot. Many a times there are chances that ATM thefts might occur by simply mirroring these anti skimming parts, for which one should always remain careful. - What is the green thing on the card reader at ATMs?

Esistono ancora gli skimmer ATM MagStripe!

Green Skimmer Skimming Green

Nonostante il sistema anti-skimming imperfetto, vale la pena di rendersi conto che la banda magnetica della carta di credito / debito è inserita perpendicolarmente (longways) e consente una facile scrematura.

Essere a filo permetterebbe anche il collegamento dei dispositivi di schiumatura, ma molto più semplice.

ATM manufacturer Diebold claims to have found the answer to skimming fraud with a new reader that requires users to insert their card sideways on to prevent the copying of data stored on the magnetic stripe. - Diebold takes 90-degree shift to counter ATM skimming

Con tutta questa conoscenza, perché non interrompere la banda magnetica e porre fine alla pandemia di frodi?

Replacing the 15 million payment terminals in the United States would cost roughly $6.75 billion, according to Javelin’s estimates. - Why Is the U.S. Determined to Have the Least-Secure Credit Cards in the World?

Bene, quindi è in realtà più economico per le banche avere una riserva annuale per pagare i costi delle frodi piuttosto che revisionare l'attuale infrastruttura.

Even if the US merchants had surpassed the 75% adoption stage, however, it would still be prudent to include a magnetic stripe on the back of chip cards to ensure that no payment transaction will be lost, within or outside of the country, as a result of the lack of an updated merchant payment system. Why do credit cards with a smart chip still have a magnetic strip on the back of them?

risposta data 02.08.2018 - 22:03

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