Un individuo può ottenere un certificato di convalida esteso?


Non sto dicendo che in realtà ne comprerò uno, ma mi chiedo se un individuo possa ottenere un certificato SSL Extended Validation?

So che è destinato a società / organizzazioni, ma sarebbe tecnicamente possibile?

posta Dan 05.08.2014 - 15:02

2 risposte


Secondo Sezione 7.1 delle Linee guida per la verifica estesa un certificato verifica quanto segue:

(A) Legal Existence: The CA has confirmed with the Incorporating or Registration Agency in the Subject’s Jurisdiction of Incorporation or Registration that, as of the date the EV Certificate was issued, the Subject named in the EV Certificate legally exists as a valid organization or entity in the Jurisdiction of Incorporation or Registration;

Sezione 8.5

The CA MAY only issue EV Certificates to Applicants that meet the Private Organization, Government Entity, Business Entity and Non-Commercial Entity requirements specified below.

Credo che la risposta sia no.

risposta data 05.08.2014 - 15:24

Credo che questo sia cambiato di recente. Gli ultimi requisiti di base, a partire da aprile 2015, sono disponibili nella Sezione 3.2.3:

If an Applicant subject to this Section 3.2.3 is a natural person, then the CA SHALL verify the Applicant’s name, Applicant’s address, and the authenticity of the certificate request.

The CA SHALL verify the Applicant’s name using a legible copy, which discernibly shows the Applicant’s face, of at least one currently valid government‐issued photo ID (passport, drivers license, military ID, national ID, or equivalent document type).The CA SHALL inspect the copy for any indication of alteration or falsification.

The CA SHALL verify the Applicant’s address using a form of identification that the CA determines to be reliable, such as a government ID, utility bill, or bank or credit card statement. The CA MAY rely on the same government‐issued ID that was used to verify the Applicant’s name.

The CA SHALL verify the certificate request with the Applicant using a Reliable Method of Communication.

Tuttavia, non sono in grado di trovare alcuna CA in grado di offrire questo.

risposta data 20.07.2015 - 19:55

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