Vocabulary Testing Penetration


I Termini e condizioni su AWS di Amazon vietano le attività denominate "White card" e "Red team e test della squadra blu ". Cosa significano questi termini?

posta The One 15.02.2016 - 10:30

1 risposta


Carta bianca:

white card is a simulated event in an operational test. White cards are used when a system is too fragile or operationally critical for the adversarial team to pursue an exploitation, or when the adversarial team is unable to penetrate the system, but there is still a desire to evaluate the ability of the system to react to a penetration. White cards should be used only when necessary


Squadra rossa / squadra blu:

Red team-blue team exercises take their name from their military antecedents. The idea is simple: One group of security pros--a red team--attacks something, and an opposing group--the blue team--defends it. Originally, the exercises were used by the military to test force-readiness. They have also been used to test physical security of sensitive sites like nuclear facilities and the Department of Energy's National Laboratories and Technology Centers. In the '90s, experts began using red team-blue team exercises to test information security systems.


risposta data 16.02.2016 - 17:16

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