Ho chiesto la domanda Connessione USB di sola alimentazione per ricaricare il mio telefono - semplice come tagliare le linee dati? nell'elettronica SE. Per bypassare "Perché vuoi farlo?" richiesta di chiarimenti, ho spiegato. Ecco il primo paragrafo:
In a pinch I bought a $3 "phone recharger" from the bin shown below, but now I am too scared to connect it directly to my phone, which costs orders of magnitude more. While a poor design could present undesirable qualities to the 5V power output, I have no idea if there's something inside connected to the data lines - part of the 21st century USB angst that has many people saying "not in my USB port you don't". See this security SE answer for some background on USB angst.
Sono stato ripetutamente sgridato nei commenti per voler stare attento, ad es.
And what are you afraid of from the charger? What's it going to do? Tell your wife you've been looking at porn sites?
Tuttavia ci sono stati alcuni chiarimenti:
You've also misunderstood the linked question on Security SE. Those plug in to a USB host and do nasty things to them by pretending to be a diffetent type if device. Your charger is the host in this case, and so can't present itself as any other device to your phone. It could (maybe) implement a host and install drivers (on itself) for the USB devices your phone presents, but it would have to be setup for a particular type of phone.
I'd be more worried about it damaging my phone than about some nebulous "security" problems. I repeat: What do you think it is going to do? Be more concerned about what facebook, candy crush, random programs from the playstore are spying on you than some piece of hardware that has no way to take use of any info it gets from you.
Domanda: Capisco che l'acquisto casuale di caricabatterie da $ 3 da un bidone sia folle, e quindi dover chiedere di tagliare le linee dati in un cavo USB è probabilmente un'ulteriore prova di ciò, ma Android o iOS, è sicuro prelevarne uno e collegarlo immediatamente al mio telefono? Se avesse un "chip extra" all'interno ed era preconfigurato per un dato sistema operativo, potrebbe fare qualcosa che potrebbe sollevare problemi di sicurezza?