Wikipedia è corretta: sulle schede SD, devi avere fiducia nel sistema host (indipendentemente dalla scheda a cui è collegato) per rispettare l'interruttore di protezione della scrittura fisica . Ecco il testo pertinente dai documenti di specifiche disponibili pubblicamente . L'enfasi è mia.
SD Specifications Part 1
Physical Layer
Simplified Specification
Version 4.10 January 22, 2013
4.3.6 Write Protect Management
Three write protect methods are supported in the SD Memory Card as follows:
- Mechanical write protect switch (Host responsibility only)
- Card internal write protect (Card's responsibility)
- Password protection card lock operation.
Mechanical Write Protect Switch
A mechanical sliding tablet on the
side of the card (refer to the Part 1 Standard Size SD Card Mechanical
Addendum) will be used by the user to indicate that a given card is
write protected or not. If the sliding tablet is positioned in such a
way that the window is open it means that the card is write protected.
If the window is close the card is not write-protected. A proper,
matched, switch on the socket side will indicate to the host that the
card is write-protected or not. It is the responsibility of the host
to protect the card. The position of the write protect switch is
unknown to the internal circuitry of the card.