Come copiare migliaia di foto da Mac / PC a iPhone?


C'è un modo facile e veloce per copiare migliaia di foto da Mac / PC a iPhone?

Ho provato Dropbox, ma devo esportare ogni foto una per una. Inoltre ho provato AirDrop, ma il mio iPhone non compare nel Finder di Mac.

posta Sato 25.11.2016 - 11:28

1 risposta


Puoi sincronizzarli automaticamente attivando Libreria di foto di iCloud o installando foto di Google (uploader desktop e app). A seconda delle dimensioni della tua biblioteca o della dimensione delle tue immagini, potresti dover pagare dello spazio aggiuntivo su entrambi.

Puoi anche sincronizzarli manualmente sul tuo dispositivo iOS, seguendo questa guida al supporto Apple :

  1. Make sure that you have the latest version of iTunes.
  2. Open iTunes on your computer.
  3. Use the included USB cable to connect your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch to your computer.
  4. Click on the device icon in iTunes.

find device on itunes

In the sidebar on the left side of the iTunes window, click Photos.

sidebar - photos on itunes

  1. Click the box next to "Sync Photos." If instead you see "iCloud Photos is On," all of your photos and videos are already on all of your devices that use iCloud Photo Library. You don't need to sync them through iTunes.
  2. Choose the app or folder that you want to sync from. If you choose to sync a folder with sub-folders, the first level of sub-folders will appear as albums on your device.

chose sync folder for photos on itunes

  1. Choose to sync all photos or selected albums.
  2. Select "Include videos" to sync the videos from your app or folder too.
  3. Click Apply.

You must import Slo-Mo and Time-Lapse videos through the Photos app or Image Capture in OS X Yosemite or later for their effect to be synced via iTunes. When you use iCloud Photo Library, Slo-Mo and Time-Lapse videos keep their effects. Live Photos keep their effect when you import them to Photos in OS X El Capitan and later, but they lose their effect if you sync them back to your device via iTunes. Use iCloud Photo Library so that Live Photos keep their effect, no matter what device you use. Photos that you sync using iTunes appear in a "Synced Photos" section of the Photos app on iOS devices. If you make changes to the photos synced in iTunes, the new versions replace the synced photos already on the device. But anything on the device outside of the "Synced Photos" section won't change.

Tieni presente che le immagini sincronizzate manualmente sul tuo dispositivo non sono modificabili su di esso.

risposta data 25.11.2016 - 12:25

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