Sto provando a creare un Applescript che lancia un set di app diverso a seconda dell'input dell'utente. Tuttavia, non verrà compilato. Cosa c'è che non va?


Ho creato un semplice AppleScript che avvia un set di app diverso a seconda dell'input dell'utente. Sono nuovo di AppleScript ed è ottimizzato da un gruppo che ho trovato su Internet, modificato per il mio utilizzo. È incluso di seguito.

Cosa dovrebbe fare: i pulsanti 2 e 3 lanciano semplicemente vari gruppi di app, mentre il pulsante 1 controlla se Spotify è in esecuzione e, in caso affermativo, passa ad esso. In caso contrario, apri 3 app (incluso Spotify).

Tuttavia ottengo un "Fine linea prevista, ecc. ma ho trovato la fine dello script". errore durante la compilazione. Ecco la sceneggiatura. Cosa c'è di sbagliato in questo?

set question to display dialog "What do you want to launch?" buttons {"Spotify", "MiniPlayer", "Remote"} default button 1
set answer to button returned of question

if answer is equal to "Spotify" then
    set myAppName to "Spotify"
    set isRunning to false
    tell application "System Events"
        if exists process myAppName then
            set isRunning to true
        end if
    end tell
    if isRunning is true then
        tell application myAppName to activate
        tell application "Spotify" to activate
        tell application "Spotifree" to activate
        tell application "Spotify Notifications" to activate
    end if
end if
if answer is equal to "MiniPlayer" then
    tell application "MiniPlayer" to activate
end if
if answer is Equal to "Remote" then
    set question to display dialog "What remote do you want to launch?" buttons {"IR Remote", "Android", "Both"} default button 2
set answer to button returned of question
    if answer is equal to "IR Remote" then
    tell application SpotifyIrRemote to activate    
    if answer is equal to "Android"
        tell application RemotelessHelper to activate   
    if answer is equal to "Both"
        tell application SpotifyIrRemote to activate
        tell application RemotelessHelper to activate
    end if
end if
posta Johnny 28.04.2014 - 15:25

1 risposta


Manca un po 'di end if se 2% dithen.

set question to display dialog "What do you want to launch?" buttons {"Spotify", "MiniPlayer", "Remote"} default button 1
set answer to button returned of question

if answer is equal to "Spotify" then
    set myAppName to "Spotify"
    set isRunning to false
    tell application "System Events"
        if exists process myAppName then
            set isRunning to true
        end if
    end tell
    if isRunning is true then
        tell application myAppName to activate
        tell application "Spotify" to activate
        tell application "Spotifree" to activate
        tell application "Spotify Notifications" to activate
    end if
end if

if answer is equal to "MiniPlayer" then
    tell application "MiniPlayer" to activate
end if

if answer is equal to "Remote" then
    set question to display dialog "What remote do you want to launch?" buttons {"IR Remote", "Android", "Both"} default button 2
    set answer to button returned of question
    if answer is equal to "IR Remote" then
        tell application SpotifyIrRemote to activate
    end if
    if answer is equal to "Android" then
        tell application RemotelessHelper to activate
    end if
    if answer is equal to "Both" then
        tell application SpotifyIrRemote to activate
        tell application RemotelessHelper to activate
    end if
end if
risposta data 28.04.2014 - 15:58

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