Ad ogni avvio mi dà il benvenuto e scarica i miei messaggi


Ogni volta che lancio mostra la finestra di benvenuto (primo avvio) e mi dice che per usare la nuova funzione sin Mail deve scaricare i miei messaggi. Ho molti messaggi là dentro e so che non li sta scaricando di nuovo, quindi cosa dà?

OSX attuale e completamente aggiornato.

Ho controllato i perms del disco e ho riscontrato numerosi problemi con e alcuni con java ma niente con la posta - tuttavia è tempo di un RepairPerms, quindi lo eseguo e rimbalzo per vedere se le correzioni esso. No.. riporta una manciata di errori per (mostra solo quelli da dopo ho eseguito RepairPerms e ho rimandato due volte).

3/24/14 2:40:50.226 PM[182]: ([992]) Exited: Terminated: 15 3/24/14 2:41:01.033 PM Mail[2590]: Upgrading Library from 4.167 to 4.167 3/24/14 2:41:01.043 PM Mail[2590]: Plugin compatibility check failed for GrowlMail.mailbundle. The plugin's Info.plist must have a SupportedPluginCompatibilityUUIDs key whose value is an array of strings that contains the compatibility UUIDs for the supported versions of Mail. The compatibility UUID value is found in the PluginCompatibilityUUID key of Mail's Info.plist 3/24/14 2:41:01.044 PM Mail[2590]: Plugin compatibility check failed for ProxiMail.mailbundle. The plugin's Info.plist must have a SupportedPluginCompatibilityUUIDs key whose value is an array of strings that contains the compatibility UUIDs for the supported versions of Mail. The compatibility UUID value is found in the PluginCompatibilityUUID key of Mail's Info.plist 3/24/14 2:41:01.177 PM sandboxd[118]: ([2590]) Mail(2590) deny file-write-create /Library/Mail/Bundles (Disabled 3) 3/24/14 2:41:03.979 PM WindowServer[92]: disable_update_timeout: UI updates were forcibly disabled by application "Mail" for over 1.00 seconds. Server has re-enabled them. 3/24/14 2:41:04.149 PM WindowServer[92]: common_reenable_update: UI updates were finally reenabled by application "Mail" after 1.17 seconds (server forcibly re-enabled them after 1.00 seconds) 3/24/14 2:41:05.690 PM Mail[2590]: CFNetwork SSLHandshake failed (-9807) 3/24/14 2:42:03.140 PM Mail[2601]: Upgrading Library from 4.167 to 4.167 3/24/14 2:42:03.147 PM Mail[2601]: Plugin compatibility check failed for GrowlMail.mailbundle. The plugin's Info.plist must have a SupportedPluginCompatibilityUUIDs key whose value is an array of strings that contains the compatibility UUIDs for the supported versions of Mail. The compatibility UUID value is found in the PluginCompatibilityUUID key of Mail's Info.plist 3/24/14 2:42:03.148 PM Mail[2601]: Plugin compatibility check failed for ProxiMail.mailbundle. The plugin's Info.plist must have a SupportedPluginCompatibilityUUIDs key whose value is an array of strings that contains the compatibility UUIDs for the supported versions of Mail. The compatibility UUID value is found in the PluginCompatibilityUUID key of Mail's Info.plist 3/24/14 2:42:03.180 PM sandboxd[118]: ([2601]) Mail(2601) deny file-write-create /Library/Mail/Bundles (Disabled 3) 3/24/14 2:42:04.562 PM Mail[2601]: * Assertion failure in +[MFMessageRouter junkMailRule], /SourceCache/Mail/Mail-1874/FrameworkTargets/MailFramework/Rules/MFMessageRouter.m:1440 rules must already be loaded ( 0 MailCore 0x00007fff968e3c2c -[MCAssertionHandler _handleFailureWithPreamble:description:arguments:] + 141 1 MailCore 0x00007fff968e3a9d -[MCAssertionHandler handleFailureInMethod:object:file:lineNumber:description:] + 215 2 Mail 0x00007fff8cca5246 +[MFMessageRouter junkMailRule] + 123 3 Mail 0x00007fff8cc738b0 -[MFMailAccount junkMailboxCreateIfNeeded:] + 74 4 Mail 0x00007fff8cc6ffcf +[MFMailAccount _specialMailboxesUsingSelector:] + 248 5 Mail 0x00007fff8cc2c4f7 MFExcludedMailboxes + 158 6 Mail 0x00007fff8cc2c5e5 +[MFLibrary createAllMailboxesSpotlightQueryWithQueryString:attributes:forUnreadCount:withMailboxExclusions:includeWhereFromsCriterion:] + 72 7 Mail 0x00007fff8ccf333c -[MFSmartMailboxUnreadCountManager _updateSmartMailboxUnreadCountUsingSpotlight:useTotalCount:] + 501 8 Mail 0x00007fff8ccf41da __91-[MFSmartMailboxUnreadCountManager updateMailboxesUnreadCountUsingSpotlight:useTotalCount:]_block_invoke + 158 9 Foundation 0x00007fff8a5af0b5 -[NSBlockOperation main] + 75 10 Foundation 0x00007fff8a58e8a1 -[__NSOperationInternal _start:] + 631 11 Foundation 0x00007fff8a58e54b __NSOQSchedule_f + 64 12 libdispatch.dylib 0x00007fff943eb2ad _dispatch_client_callout + 8 13 libdispatch.dylib 0x00007fff943ef7ff _dispatch_async_redirect_invoke + 154 14 libdispatch.dylib 0x00007fff943eb2ad _dispatch_client_callout + 8 15 libdispatch.dylib 0x00007fff943ed09e _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 326 16 libdispatch.dylib 0x00007fff943ee193 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 40 17 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007fff9811aef8 _pthread_wqthread + 314 18 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007fff9811dfb9 start_wqthread + 13 ) 3/24/14 2:42:06.386 PM Mail[2601]: CFNetwork SSLHandshake failed (-9807)

Spero di non arrivare a # 3:)

posta Ram 23.03.2014 - 04:40

1 risposta


Potrebbe essere un problema con permessi di scrittura. Potresti:

  1. controlla la '' per informazioni / voci di errore e pubblicale qui per ulteriori analisi
  2. esegui "disk" e controlla le autorizzazioni sul tuo HD e pubblica qui le informazioni per ulteriori analisi
  3. Esci da Apple Mail e sposta la cartella "V3" in ~Library/Mail/ in un'altra posizione, come nel Desktop, e avvia nuovamente Apple Mail. La tua casella di posta verrà scaricata di nuovo e la cartella V3 verrà ricreata, ma dovrebbe essere semplicemente aggiornata al prossimo riavvio di Apple Mail.
risposta data 23.03.2014 - 13:24

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