OmniFocus aggiunge una nota quando si acquisisce un promemoria


Ho impostato OmniFocus per catturare i promemoria creati in sul mio iPhone 6 con iOS 9. A partire da iOS 9, il testo seguente viene aggiunto al campo delle note dell'attività: "Attività originale disponibile in 'Catturato da OmniFocus 'elenco in Promemoria. " Questo testo non è necessario. In realtà, è fastidioso, perché aggiunge cruft a OmniFocus. Come posso impedire a OmniFocus di aggiungere questa nota?

posta Crowder 21.10.2015 - 06:16

1 risposta


Da supporto Omnifocus

In addition, as of OmniFocus 2.7 (our update for iOS 9) the app now leaves captured reminders in Reminders on a special list. This way, any reminders with extra information unavailable to OmniFocus are still accessible.

A reminder captured under this scheme will have a special blurb of text appended to its note:
"Original task available in the 'Captured by OmniFocus' list in Reminders."

Da forum OmniFocus

Is there any way to turn off or rename "Captured by OmniFocus" to avoid this confusion?

If you'd rather not deal with the Captured by OmniFocus list at all, and you're sure you won't use the deep links functionality in reminders to be captured, you can revert to the old behavior of deleting captured reminders with a preference URL:


Any reminders captured after opening this URL will be deleted out of Reminders entirely, instead of being moved to Captured by OmniFocus. Once you change that setting, you can delete the Captured by OmniFocus list. (If you ever want to use the new way again, reopen the above URL, replacing the 1 with a 0; OmniFocus will recreate the Captured list as necessary.)

risposta data 21.10.2015 - 07:15

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