PPTP VPN non si connetterà dopo l'aggiornamento a El Capitan


Questo è un rMBP 2015 e dopo che ho aggiornato a El Capitan (non ho installato nessuna beta) la mia connessione VPN PPTP si blocca su "Connecting". Se faccio quindi clic su "Disconnect", si blocca in modo simile finché non uccido pppd.

Qualcuno ha questo problema e ha trovato una soluzione?

Modifica: system.log dopo aver fatto clic su "Connetti":

Oct 15 19:03:56 nspassov nesessionmanager[5803]: NESMLegacySession[VA:0CABA80E-F475-40F9-B087-AF2C698ADB71]: Received a start command from com.apple.preference.network.re[23190]
Oct 15 19:03:56 nspassov nesessionmanager[5803]: NESMLegacySession[VA:0CABA80E-F475-40F9-B087-AF2C698ADB71]: status changed to connecting
Oct 15 19:03:56 nspassov pppd[23225]: NetworkExtension is the controller
Oct 15 19:03:56 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Oct 15 19:03:56 nspassov pppd[23225]: password not found in the system keychain
Oct 15 19:03:56 nspassov pppd[23225]: publish_entry SCDSet() failed: Success!
Oct 15 19:03:56 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Oct 15 19:03:56 nspassov pppd[23225]: pppd 2.4.2 (Apple version 809) started by nick, uid 501
Oct 15 19:04:13 nspassov pppd[23225]: assertion failed: 15A284: libxpc.dylib + 27218 [3E09C275-A33B-357A-B0AB-A2DDF88EC9D5]: 0x13
Oct 15 19:04:13 nspassov pppd[23225]: assertion failed: 15A284: libxpc.dylib + 23599 [3E09C275-A33B-357A-B0AB-A2DDF88EC9D5]: 0x13
Oct 15 19:04:14 --- last message repeated 909 times ---
Oct 15 19:04:14 nspassov com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.screensharing[23227]): Endpoint has been activated through legacy launch(3) APIs. Please switch to XPC or bootstrap_check_in(): com.apple.screensharing.server
Oct 15 19:04:14 nspassov pppd[23225]: assertion failed: 15A284: libxpc.dylib + 23599 [3E09C275-A33B-357A-B0AB-A2DDF88EC9D5]: 0x13
posta Nikolay Spassov 10.10.2015 - 09:06

1 risposta


Con 10.11.1 ora posso riconnetterti.

risposta data 22.10.2015 - 22:03

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