aggiornamento XCode 7.1.1, mancante otool e git


Recentemente ho installato Xcode 7.1.1 Dopo l'installazione sembra esserci un problema con esso.

git mancante

Kaunteys-MacBook-Pro:~ Kaunteya$ git 2015-11-26 13:44:03.369 xcodebuild[2118:134190] ### Failed to load Addressbook class CNContactNameFormatter sh: line 1: 2120 Segmentation fault: 11 /Applications/ -sdk macosx -find git 2> /dev/null git: error: unable to find utility "git", not a developer tool or in PATH

quando ho provato brew install git

Kaunteys-MacBook-Pro:~ Kaunteya$ brew install git Warning: You are using OS X 10.11. We do not provide support for this pre-release version. You may encounter build failures or other breakage. 2015-11-26 13:45:16.185 xcodebuild[2144:137218] ### Failed to load Addressbook class CNContactNameFormatter sh: line 1: 2146 Segmentation fault: 11 /Applications/ -sdk macosx -find otool 2> /dev/null otool: error: unable to find utility "otool", not a developer tool or in PATH Error: Failure while executing: /usr/bin/otool -L /usr/bin/install_name_tool

Ho anche provato altri login sullo stesso Mac, ma ogni cosa funziona bene lì

posta Kaunteya 26.11.2015 - 09:20

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