Hub USB-C non riconosciuto


Ho acquistato due hub USB dal marchio cinese dodocool. Uno più piccolo senza porta Ethernet e uno più grande con Ethernet (DC50). Quello più piccolo funziona correttamente su MacBook Pro 15 2018, incluso HDMI. Quello più grande non è riconosciuto. Ho visto cosa succede quando lo connetto e questi messaggi sono comparsi nel registro:

kernel  038909.015355 IOUSBHostDevice@01100000: IOUSBHostDevice::start: failed to get device descriptor
kernel  038909.075557 SSP1@01100000: AppleUSBXHCIPort::resetAndCreateDevice: failed to start device
kernel  038909.075591 SSP1@01100000: AppleUSBXHCIPort::resetAndCreateDevice: failed to create device (0xe00002e9)
kernel  038909.373689 USB3.0 Hub@01100000: AppleUSBDevice::start: failed to open _deviceClient
kernel  038909.373713 AppleUSBLegacyRoot@(null): AppleUSBLegacyRoot::usbServiceCallGated: failed to attach or start legacy service
kernel  038911.132396 AppleUSB30HubPort@01130000: AppleUSB30HubPort::interruptOccurred: clearing change bits failed with 0xe00002d8
kernel  038911.231590 AppleUSB30HubPort@01140000: AppleUSB30HubPort::interruptOccurred: clearing change bits failed with 0xe00002d8
kernel  038920.160795 AppleUSB30Hub@01100000: AppleUSB30Hub::createPorts: failed getHubPowerSupply with 0xe00002d8
kernel  Thunderbolt PCI - LS=0x5043 LC=0x0040 SS=0x0048 SC=0x0000 PMCSR=0x0008 RT=0x0000 NLRT=0x0000 LWRT=0x0000 TRT=0x0000 TNLRT=0x0000 TLWRT=0x0000 TLUP=0x0021
kernel  Thunderbolt PCI - LS=0x5043 LC=0x0040 SS=0x0048 SC=0x0000 PMCSR=0x0008 RT=0x0000 NLRT=0x0000 LWRT=0x0000 TRT=0x0000 TNLRT=0x0000 TLWRT=0x0000 TLUP=0x0021
kernel  38920337667us AppleThunderboltGenericHAL::earlyWake - complete - took 0 milliseconds
kernel  AppleThunderboltGenericHAL::earlyWake - complete - took 0 milliseconds
kernel  IOThunderboltSwitch<0x0>(0x0)::listenerCallback - Thunderbolt HPD packet for route = 0x0 port = 5 unplug = 0
kernel  IOThunderboltSwitch<0x0>(0x0)::listenerCallback - Thunderbolt HPD packet for route = 0x0 port = 6 unplug = 0

Comunque funziona bene su Lenovo Carbon X1 sesto gen con Fedora 29, quindi l'hub sembra essere OK. Hai qualche idea se posso risolvere questo?

posta honza-kasik 09.10.2018 - 09:39

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