Alla fine del 2011 MacBook Pro e Snow Leopard [duplicato]


Qualche membro qui ha eseguito un downgrade del software da Lion 10.7.2 a Snow Leopard preinstallato 10.6.8 su qualsiasi MacBook Pro di fine 2011 (di qualsiasi dimensione) e se ha avuto esito positivo o negativo e cosa hai trovato? Grazie.

posta Megatron 22.11.2018 - 08:49

1 risposta


Personalmente non l'ho fatto ma dalla ricerca è possibile:

Questo articolo ha aiutato

Method 1: If you have no cooked backup of your drive

This method will wipe your Mac but you can do a backup:

  1. You should backup the locations where your documents, music e.t.c are stored to an external drive

  2. Next insert the snow Leopard disk, restart your Mac and hold down c too boot to your dvd drive

  3. Once the installer appears, go to utilities in the menu bar and click disk Utility

  4. Find the drive in the sidebar where Lion is installed, select it and navigate to the Partition tab.

  5. Click on the drop down menu under Partition Layout and select “1 Partition.” Hit Apply.

  6. Now navigate to the Erase tab and make sure “Mac OS Extended (Journaled)” is selected, then hit Erase to delete all data on the drive.

  7. Quit Disk Utility to get back to the Snow Leopard installer and proceed with the install.

  8. Restore your User folder and documents from your backup.

  9. Run Software Update to get everything current, install your apps from your original install media and update those as well.

Method 2: If you managed to clone your drive

A popular option for cloning your drive is Carbon Copy Cloner, which is a handy utility to have for any Mac owner. Assuming you’ve done that, follow the directions above to get your drive primed and ready, but stop at step 6 and follow these instructions instead.

  1. Attach the drive containing your CCC clone to your Mac.

  2. Open System Preferences, then go to the Startup Disk preference pane.

  3. Chose your CCC external drive as the startup disk.

  4. Restart and launch CCC, then choose your backup from the “source” menu.

  5. Select your Mac’s internal drive as the destination.

  6. Chose “Restore items from a backup” from the settings pop-up menu and hit the “Clone” button.

risposta data 22.11.2018 - 09:17

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