AppleScript per eliminare la cartella


Mi stavo chiedendo se qualcuno può darmi qualche consiglio su come utilizzare lo script Apple per eliminare questa cartella?

Utenti / utente1 / Libreria / Supporto applicazioni / Skype / tankitan

posta Tankitan 18.10.2014 - 17:47

2 risposte

tell application "Finder" to delete ((POSIX file "/Users/user1/Library/Application Support/Skype/tankitan") as alias)
risposta data 18.10.2014 - 17:49

Forse questo script cancella tutti gli hook "tankitan" mentre gestisci uno o più hook esterni specifici, per alcuni user1 o username (s)

(* Ashley Rhodes *)
tell application "System Events"
    set deleted to POSIX file "/Users/username/Library/Caches/"
    tell application "Finder"
        delete (files of folder deleted)
        delete (folders of folder deleted)
    end tell
    set deleted to POSIX file "/Users/username/Library/Cookies/"
    tell application "Finder"
        delete (files of folder deleted)
        delete (folders of folder deleted)
    end tell
    set deleted to POSIX file "/Users/username/Library/Saved Application State/"
    tell application "Finder"
        delete (files of folder deleted)
        delete (folders of folder deleted)
    end tell
    set deleted to POSIX file "Users/user1/Library/Application Support/Skype/tankitan"
    tell application "Finder"
        delete (files of folder deleted)
        delete (folders of folder deleted)
    end tell
end tell

Attenzione, anche a Rodi POSIX può essere aggrovigliato ... Gestione di sticky-web c / o Internet of Things

risposta data 19.02.2018 - 05:51

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