Come posso ripristinare i dati da un backup iCloud al mio PC dopo che il mio disco rigido si è bloccato?


Il mio PC Windows si è bloccato e ho bisogno di accedere alle mie foto da iCloud. Ho installato il pannello di controllo di iCloud ma mostra solo il mio flusso di foto che dura circa 30 giorni di foto.

Ho bisogno di ripristinare TUTTE le mie foto da un backup iCloud al mio PC Windows.

È possibile?

posta mcpearcy00 22.12.2014 - 21:12

2 risposte


iLoot (gratuito) può aiutarti a ripristinare iCloud! nessun dispositivo necessario! appena provato, ha funzionato bene e ha ripristinato tutto.

risposta data 20.03.2015 - 15:56

Se le foto sono ancora sul tuo telefono, il modo più semplice sarebbe quello di collegarlo e amp; importare nella Raccolta foto di Windows Essentials o inviarle tramite Dropbox, ecc.

Per quanto ne so, iCloud memorizza solo gli ultimi 30 giorni o 1000 foto. Non li mantiene a lungo termine.

Da No, iCloud non li sta supportando: come gestire le foto sul tuo iPhone o iPad

Are the photos you take with your iPhone or iPad backed up in case you lose your device? If you’re just relying on iCloud to manage your important memories, your photos may not be backed up at all.

Apple’s iCloud has a photo-syncing feature in the form of “Photo Stream,” but Photo Stream doesn’t actually perform any long-term backups of your photos.

iCloud’s Photo Backup Limitations Assuming you’ve set up iCloud on your iPhone or iPad, your device is using a feature called “Photo Stream” to automatically upload the photos you take to your iCloud storage and sync them across your devices. Unfortunately, there are some big limitations here.

1000 Photos: Photo Stream only backs up the latest 1000 photos. Do you have 1500 photos in your Camera Roll folder on your phone? If so, only the latest 1000 photos are stored in your iCloud account online. If you don’t have those photos backed up elsewhere, you’ll lose them when you lose your phone. If you have 1000 photos and take one more, the oldest photo will be removed from your iCloud Photo Stream.

30 Days: Apple also states that photos in your Photo Stream will be automatically deleted after 30 days “to give your devices plenty of time to connect and download them.” Some people report photos aren’t deleted after 30 days, but it’s clear you shouldn’t rely on iCloud for more than 30 days of storage.

iCloud Storage Limits: Apple only gives you 5 GB of iCloud storage space for free, and this is shared between backups, documents, and all other iCloud data. This 5 GB can fill up pretty quickly. If your iCloud storage is full and you haven’t purchased any more storage more from Apple, your photos aren’t being backed up.

Videos Aren’t Included: Photo Stream doesn’t include videos, so any videos you take aren’t automatically backed up.

It’s clear that iCloud’s Photo Stream isn’t designed as a long-term way to store your photos, just a convenient way to access recent photos on all your devices before you back them up for real.

Vedi anche Domande frequenti su My Photo Stream

risposta data 23.12.2014 - 09:22

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