Xcode 5.1.1 e Xcode 6.1 si bloccano durante la creazione di un nuovo progetto / file / spazio di lavoro su Yosemite 10.10.2


Arresto anomalo di Xcode 5.1.1 e Xcode 6.1 per creare un nuovo progetto / file / spazio di lavoro su Yosemite 10.10.2

Sto eseguendo xcode 6.1 e 5.1.1 su OS X Yosemite 10.10.2. Non riesco a creare un nuovo progetto, come puoi vedere in seguito dice "caricamento"

Si prega di suggerire di risolvere questo problema

process: Xcode [2792]

Path: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/MacOS/Xcode

Identifier: com.apple.dt.Xcode

Version: 5.1.1 (5085)

Build Info: IDEFrameworks-5085000000000000~10

Code Type: X86-64 (Native)

Parent Process: ??? [1]

Responsible: Xcode [2792]

User ID: 501

Date/Time: 2015-01-11 22:07:07.203 +0530

OS Version: Mac OS X 10.10.2 (14C94b)

Report Version: 11

Anonymous UUID: C09A26EF-E9EA-9CD0-E670-228AA19E0BA7

Time Awake Since Boot: 13000 seconds

Crashed Thread: 0 Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread

Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)

Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000

Application Specific Information:

Sending goNextOrFinish: to from

ProductBuildVersion: 5B1008

UNCAUGHT EXCEPTION (NSInvalidArgumentException): *** setObjectForKey: object cannot be nil (key: sortColumn)

UserInfo: (null)


0: Sending goNextOrFinish: to from


0 0x00007fff91a14654 __exceptionPreprocess (in CoreFoundation)

1 0x000000010e6ecb10 DVTFailureHintExceptionPreprocessor (in DVTFoundation)

2 0x00007fff9361976e objc_exception_throw (in libobjc.A.dylib)

3 0x00007fff918fc876 -[__NSDictionaryM setObject:forKey:] (in CoreFoundation)

4 0x00007fff8f89478e -[FI_TNodeViewSettings setListViewSortColumn:] (in FinderKit)

5 0x00007fff8f890d0e -[FI_TNodeViewSettings refreshListViewSettings] (in FinderKit)

6 0x00007fff8f8911bb -[FI_TNodeViewSettings refreshSettings:] (in FinderKit)

7 0x00007fff8f8914c4 -[FI_TNodeViewSettings initWithNode:] (in FinderKit)

8 0x00007fff8f88fc56 +[FI_TNodeViewSettings settingsForNode:] (in FinderKit)

9 0x00007fff8f93204c -[FI_TBrowserContainerController nodeViewSettings] (in FinderKit)

10 0x00007fff8f9317ed -[FI_TBrowserContainerController initWithWindowState:targetPath:containerDelegate:] (in FinderKit)

11 0x00007fff8f8bd13e -[FIFinderViewGutsController _internalSetTargetPath:withViewStyle:] (in FinderKit)

12 0x00007fff8f8b8e8b -[FIFinderViewGutsController forceContainerToExist] (in FinderKit)

13 0x00007fff8f8b98ff -[FIFinderViewGutsController prepareToShow] (in FinderKit)

14 0x00007fff8f8c278e -[FIFinderView viewWillMoveToWindow:] (in FinderKit)

15 0x00007fff8d322b2e -[NSView _setWindow:] (in AppKit)

16 0x00007fff91935385 __53-[__NSArrayM enumerateObjectsWithOptions:usingBlock:]_block_invoke (in CoreFoundation)

17 0x00007fff91934a89 -[__NSArrayM enumerateObjectsWithOptions:usingBlock:] (in CoreFoundation)

18 0x00007fff8da139c4 __21-[NSView _setWindow:]_block_invoke733 (in AppKit)

19 0x00007fff8d323693 -[NSView _setWindow:] (in AppKit)

20 0x00007fff8d3209e3 -[NSView addSubview:] (in AppKit)

21 0x00007fff8d66d82a -[NSBox setContentView:] (in AppKit)

22 0x00007fff8d8c76b5 -[NSSavePanel(NSSavePanelLayout) _layoutViewsVerticallyAndResizeWindowToLastExpandedSize:accessoryViewHeight:] (in AppKit)

23 0x00007fff8d8b27b0 -[NSSavePanel _initPanelCommon] (in AppKit)

24 0x00007fff8d8b1afa -[NSSavePanel initWithContentRect:styleMask:backing:defer:] (in AppKit)

25 0x00007fff8d8b0fd9 +[NSSavePanel _crunchyRawUnbonedPanel] (in AppKit)

26 0x000000010f9a36ee -[IDETemplateCompletionAssistant configuredOpenPanel] (in IDEKit)

27 0x00000001163b7be3 -[Xcode3ProjectTemplateCompletionAssistant configuredSavePanel] (in Xcode3UI)

28 0x000000010f9a38db -[IDETemplateCompletionAssistant beginSheetModalForWindow:] (in IDEKit)

29 0x000000010f9a3d96 -[IDETemplateCompletionAssistant finishWithCompletionBlock:] (in IDEKit)

30 0x000000010f7f9c63 -[IDEAssistantWindowController goNextOrFinish:] (in IDEKit)

31 0x00007fff90c89cd7 _os_activity_initiate (in libsystem_trace.dylib)

32 0x00007fff8d4da541 -[NSApplication sendAction:to:from:] (in AppKit)

33 0x000000010ec50f85 __37-[DVTApplication sendAction:to:from:]_block_invoke (in DVTKit)

34 0x000000010e6ec842 DVTInvokeWithFailureHint (in DVTFoundation)

35 0x000000010eb1eb0e -[DVTApplication sendAction:to:from:] (in DVTKit)

36 0x00007fff8d4da340 -[NSControl sendAction:to:] (in AppKit)

37 0x00007fff8d6b014b __26-[NSCell _sendActionFrom:]_block_invoke (in AppKit)

38 0x00007fff90c89cd7 _os_activity_initiate (in libsystem_trace.dylib)

39 0x00007fff8d522ec8 -[NSCell _sendActionFrom:] (in AppKit)

40 0x00007fff90c89cd7 _os_activity_initiate (in libsystem_trace.dylib)

41 0x00007fff8d53d9a5 -[NSCell trackMouse:inRect:ofView:untilMouseUp:] (in AppKit)

42 0x00007fff8d53cbd9 -[NSButtonCell trackMouse:inRect:ofView:untilMouseUp:] (in AppKit)

43 0x00007fff8d53c1b9 -[NSControl mouseDown:] (in AppKit)

44 0x00007fff8da3a2b1 -[NSWindow _reallySendEvent:] (in AppKit)

45 0x00007fff8d4c0b4e -[NSWindow sendEvent:] (in AppKit)

46 0x00007fff8d472e51 -[NSApplication sendEvent:] (in AppKit)

47 0x000000010f699600 -[IDEApplication sendEvent:] (in IDEKit)

48 0x00007fff8d2ff078 -[NSApplication run] (in AppKit)

49 0x00007fff8d2ea464 NSApplicationMain (in AppKit)

50 0x00007fff8e1025c9 start (in libdyld.dylib)

51 0x0000000000000001

Performing @selector(goNextOrFinish:) from sender NSButton 0x7fd6b61c24d0

abort() called


posta Ricky 14.01.2015 - 09:20

1 risposta


Potrebbero esserci risposte migliori, ma in caso contrario.

Vorrei partizionare il disco fisso e creare una seconda partizione avviabile, quindi utilizzare il vecchio Xcode lì.

Oppure installalo su una macchina diversa.

Supporto alcune app su 10.6 e ho riscontrato problemi simili e ora uso il vecchio Xcode su un'altra macchina. Ma hai utilizzato il partizionamento in passato per i vecchi Xcodes.

In effetti il Mac che ho ora ha due partizioni per 10.10.x, dove si trova per la versione beta di Xcode.

risposta data 14.01.2015 - 10:56

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